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The single klieg light dies, and a disembodied voice calls out over the loudspeaker. “Please, ladies and gentlemen, exit as swiftly as you can. Our wrestling family needs time to grieve.”

And without question or doubt, the audience does as asked. A few diehard fans erupt in wailful cries. I hear the sound of people blowing their noses and programs falling to the floor. All four arena doors close. I feel a tapping on my shoulder.

“The coast is clear, Ms. Disastra!” it’s Ronan, flashing a wide smile.

I pop up. The arena staff and wrestling handlers clap and cheer for me. I take several bows and blow kisses.

Ronan stands by my side and gives me a soft kiss. “You went out like the champ you are. Best performance I’ve ever seen.”

“It’s funny, you know? It felt right. I didn’t fight it, the end. It was the right time.”

Ronan leads me out of the ring. A big after-party begins, with confetti, popping champagne corks, and a big banner that drops from the ceiling, thanking me and Archimedes.

Amid the gaiety of the evening, I sit and think back on all the great times I had as Archimedes with my Mom by my side.

It doesn’t hurt anymore. I realize that the memory fills me with a sense of peace. I’m grateful to have it. I’m grateful those times existed, and I’m okay with the fact that they’re done.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Dad asks as he brings me a fresh champagne flute.

“Oh, Dad. My life is just starting now. Like the past is gone and I and Disastra can write new chapters, great chapters.”

My dad puts his arm around me. “That’s right, sweetie. The past weighs people down. You love, but then you mourn, and you must go on. For yourself and for those you have lost. That’s the real, successful story of life.”

“What do you think Mom would do if she had been here tonight?”

“Oh, Chey, she’d be bursting with pride, you know that. You went out like a champ. What wrestler can ask for more?”

“Do you remember Mom’s phrase?”

Dad laughs. “I surely do. Win big at losing. And she was so right.”

“Win big at losing. Yes. And a few weeks ago, I’d have argued against her worn-out phrase. Now I know the true meaning of both, and neither scare me anymore.”

I reach out for Ronan’s hand and the three of us group hug. I’m the happiest, most fulfilled loser of all time. Until…

* * *

The partiers finally leave and so does my dad. It’s only Ronan and me in the locker room as I get out of my Archimedes costume for the last time.

In a dressing gown with no make-up, showing the normal me and my flowing red hair, Ronan takes my hands in his and lowers himself to the cement floor.

My heart stops as I gaze down.

“Chey, you know I’m not much for words. But I love and adore you and want the rest of my days to be by your side, in whatever our futures hold. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my life partner, my eternal love?”

My mouth opens. Then I close it, smile, and open it again, forcing out five little words so cloaked in thick emotion.

“Yes. Yes, my darling. Yes.”



Look at this. This place is… is damn near magical. And built with love. Love for the industry, not hate for one’s competitors. It’s about time Briarwood came to its senses. Raucous, eat your heart out!

I survey the scene. Fool’s Gold arena is finally finished. It’s a gleaming glass and steel monolith, towering over all other arenas in Briarwood. It’s taken six months of blood, sweat, and tears from Mr. O’Malley, Chey, me and countless workers to get the place built and set up just right.

For its grand opening, Chey and I are the main ticket. We will be in the ring together, but not one take-down will be happening there, not today. It’s our wedding day. Our wedding day. I’m standing in the wings, repeating the words to myself, but I still can’t believe it’s true.
