Page 109 of Teddy

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“Hey, Kipp,” he says softly, giving me an uncertain smile.

“Um. Antoni, right? What are you doing here?”

He nods. “Can I come in and explain?”

“No. I don’t think so. We can talk right here.”

He looks surprised by that answer, but his smile never falls away. “Fair enough. So, uh…” He huffs a laugh. “This is going to sound odd. But, um, I wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into with Theo.”

An uncomfortable tingle slithers down my spine. “What do you mean?”

“How long have you known him?” he asks.

“Over a year and a half.”

“And did he ever tell you he’s worth millions?”

What. The fuck.

I keep my mouth shut, and Antoni’s lips purse, his expression screaming, you poor thing. “I didn’t think so,” he says evenly, “considering you live here.”

The hell is wrong with this place? It’s nice.

Antoni rolls onward. “Theo plays the martyr really well, Kipp, but he’s not a nice man. It took me years to see it. You should get out now while you still can.”

“Uh-huh,” I say, edging back, but Antoni takes a step forward, his hand on the door.

“Please,” he says. “I don’t want to see you get hurt like I did. Did you sign a prenup?”

I grit my teeth, not about to give anything else to this man, but he must be able to read it from my face because his brightens.

“You’re entitled to that money, Kipp. Whether you stay married or get divorced, half of it should be yours.”

“I don’t need his money.”

“You will once you leave,” he pushes.

I shake my head, but Antoni plows on, crowding into my space.

“I know what he’s like. And at first, it feels good, right? It feels like the best thing in the world, letting him take care of you. I never thought he’d change. But he did.”

My pulse hammers wildly, and I take another step back, wanting out of this interaction, but Antoni follows me, the tip of his boot inside the apartment now.

“It was small things at first,” he says. “Spanking me harder. Pushing my limits. Not listening when I said no. Cameron got me out of there. He saw, and he saved me.”

I shake my head. “You’re lying.”

“He’s a good manipulator, Kipp,” he says, nearly mirroring what Teddy himself told me of Antoni. “He’ll hurt you eventually.”

“You need to go.”

“Please listen to me.”

“Go. Now,” I say firmly, trying to close the door.

Antoni steps back, but he doesn’t remove his hand. “If he sells his shares, he’s worth millions. That money is yours, Kipp. Don’t forget that.”

Having said what he came here to, Teddy’s ex backs away and turns, disappearing down the hall. I shut the door, my pulse thundering heavily, every single part of me wishing I could hear Teddy’s voice in my ear, soothing me, saying it’s okay, that I’m fine, that we’re fine.
