Page 121 of Teddy

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“In a way,” he answers, his fingers massaging my scalp. My eyes slip closed. “It was hard to trust after everything that happened, and I knew you were someone I could fall for. I was scared to. Not that it stopped me in the end.”

“But I’m just a doll, Teddy. Are you sure you don’t want a real boy?”

The both of us freeze as my words settle. Teddy’s lips twitch.

“Oh my God,” I groan, dropping my forehead to his shoulder and snorting a laugh. “I’m living my very own kinky fairytale.”

Teddy chuckles with me, hands rubbing my back again. “Kipp,” he says seriously.


“I’m not scared anymore, okay? You’re exactly what I want. And I know you won’t hurt me. I won’t hurt you either. You’re safe with me.”

And that, I believe wholeheartedly. So I lift my head, and I kiss my husband. And when we go to bed at night, limbs tangled, I fall asleep knowing my family just got a little bit bigger.

Chapter 31


“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”

“Are you going to be like this the entire time?” I ask Kipp, grinning as he does a little shimmy.

“Yes, I am, Teddy. Because it’s Bring Your Kipp To Work day. My favorite fucking day.”

“Try to behave,” I tell him, opening the door to the studio.

He snorts.

Well, that bodes well.


Aaand, here we go.

“Alex, my man!” Kipp replies.

As my husband and coworker embrace like long-lost lovers, I head toward Studio 1.

“You’ve sure been visiting a lot,” Alex says, the pair following after me. “Thinking about expanding into the porn industry?”

Kipp snorts. “Nah. I’ll stick to voyeurism, thanks. Besides, Teddy wouldn’t like it. He doesn’t share his doll.”

There’s a beat of silence before Alex goes, “Daaamn. Teddy Bear. Teddy. Hey, hey. Daddy.”

I keep my amusement firmly hidden. “Yes?”

“That’s hot as fuck,” Alex says. Kipp blushes but looks pleased. “You can thank me now.” Alex waves his hand in a gimme gesture.

“Thank you?” I ask. “For what?”

“For setting you two up,” he says proudly.

“Um, I think that was Niko,” Kipp says.

Alex squawks, the three of us passing through the doorway into Studio 1. “What? No, it wasn’t. I was constantly pushing you two together. Right, Teddy? Back me up.”

I shake my head as Kipp says, “Yeah, but Niko is the one who invited me to the party bus that night. Sooo, sorry. I think he gets credit.”
