Page 129 of Teddy

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My heart lopes happily inside my chest as I stare at the man I love, who’s waiting for my answer. The future he’s promising isn’t one I have any desire to pass up. In fact, it sounds like all the things I’ve wanted for a very long time.

I lean my cheek against his, feeling his warmth. Inhaling his scent. “Yeah, Teddy. Sounds pretty damn perfect to me.”


Three Years Later


It takes me a moment to process what I’m feeling. One minute, I’m dreaming about marshmallows taking over the city, for some odd reason. I’m fighting them—because of course I am—and then I’m rolling around in them. And then one is sucking my dick? It’s all very confusing.

All I know is I’m suddenly awake, the dream wisping away like spun sugar, and I’m horny as shit. There’s a hand clasped around my erection, and—

“Oh, God,” I moan.

“Yes?” Teddy checks, his cock already buried inside of me. He’s thrusting his hips shallowly, lighting me up as I arch back into him.

“Yes, yes,” I say quickly, giving him the reassurance he needs. This isn’t the first time Teddy has literally fucked me awake, but we have a system.

First, there’s the plug I put in before we go to sleep. Not only is it a clear signal to Teddy that I’m up for action in the middle of the night, but it keeps me stretched and ready so he can sink inside my body without waking me to prep.

Second is the verbal confirmation the moment I’m lucid. Teddy needs that most, and I have no problem giving it.

He lets go of my cock to curl his fingers around my own, his weight pressing me into the mattress.

“Do you know how much I love this, doll?” he asks, his cock sinking deep. “Do you know how much I love knowing you’re mine any goddamn second of the day?”

I moan against the pillow, not capable of anything else. My dick is hard and leaking, the friction against the sheets torture because it’s not enough yet perfect for keeping me right on the cusp.

“Let me hear you, babydoll. I want to know exactly what I do to you.”

I turn my face, letting Teddy hear the sounds I’m making. Not that it’s a hardship giving the man what he wants. Teddy ruts into me harder, forcing me up the bed.

“Every time you go to sleep with that damn plug in your ass, I can hardly stand it,” he says, voice hoarse and choppy with his breaths. “It’s like trying to shut my eyes before Christmas.”

I huff a laugh, groaning as Teddy grinds and grinds and grinds against my ass. “Are you saying… I’m a present?” I ask, my own voice breathy, even though I’m barely doing a thing.

“You are mine to play with,” he nearly growls. “That’s what I’m saying.”

Fucking fuck.

“Yours,” I agree heartily.

“Now I’m going to fuck you until I come,” he says, chest gliding against my back as he returns to those long, punishing thrusts. “And then I’m going to plug you up while my cum is still in your ass, and I’m going to suck you down my throat. Got it?”

I groan something unintelligible, my balls drawing up.

“Don’t come until my lips are around your cock, sweetheart.”

Fuck, fuck.

“Teddy,” I moan out.

He lets go of my hand to circle my cock, squeezing the base tight enough to stop my impending orgasm. I try to thrust against his hold, but the bite to my shoulder has me stilling in an instant.

“Ah, God,” I mutter, the mix of pleasure and pain a wild turn-on. I know he would have slapped my ass if he’d been able, but with the way he’s lying half on top of me, one hand on my cock, he couldn’t.

I don’t mind the bite.
