Page 62 of Going Deep

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“Yes, I promise. Now get.”

“I’ll probably see Toby at Nathan’s. We’re going to his party tonight, right?”

Gray had forgotten about the party. He wanted to hide at home after the previous night’s ordeal, but he’d eventually have to appear in public again. “Yeah, we are.”

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you there.”

They hugged goodbye, and Mason headed for his car.


Gray went home, intending to veg for the rest of the day. Jack was working second shift that evening, but he and Huck would head to Toby’s party once they were done with their shift. Mason was working until nine. So Gray had plenty of time for a Fast and Furious marathon and a few gallons of ice cream. He wondered if there was any bacon left from breakfast. Ice cream topped with bacon sounded good.

He might work up the energy to take a run later. He hadn’t been keeping up with his usual exercise regimen for the last week. He fucking hated running, but he wasn’t about to go to the gym. Too many people there who’d want to ask him all about his hostage experience. He wouldn’t be able to avoid talking about it that night, but at least Bryce, Toby, and Matt understood not to ask too many questions. Some people, on the other hand, had no respect for privacy and thought they had a right to all the gory details.

He settled on the couch with a container of Rocky Road—to hell with getting a bowl. He intended to eat every bite anyway, then tackle the fudge brownie. He deserved it.

He’d just turned on the TV when Mason texted him. Check out the paper.

Gray sighed. What the fuck was up now? He pulled up the paper’s website. Fucking fuck. Someone had leaked Andreas’s true involvement. He was now being called the Gangster with a Heart. Great. What other details of the case were out there?

He shut his browser window, deciding he was better off not knowing. He was just going to sit, watch one of his favorite movies, and put the whole case out of his mind. Less than five minutes later, his phone rang. He glanced at it: Captain Russell. He couldn’t ignore her.


“You’ve seen the paper?”

No point in denying it. “Yes.”

“We need some damage control before people start looking for the good in every criminal. We need to make sure it’s clear who Andreas really was, both sides of him. I need you here ASAP for a press conference. Dress nicely.”

So instead of hiding from the world, watching cars blow up and eating comfort food, he was wearing a jacket and tie, was likely to miss lunch, and was going to have to face a room of reporters.


Fortunately, he got through the questions with less pain than he expected. For once, the briefing from the PR liaison had been more useful than irritating. He was about to head for his car when Captain Russell stopped him.

“You need to be here at five tomorrow to prep for a live interview with WKLK.”

Gray blinked. “I must have misunderstood you, ma’am.”

“You’re being interviewed.”

“On live TV?”


She was holding something back, he could tell. There was something else and he was going to hate it. “This is for the local news?”

“Yes, for the human interest piece they always do at the end.”

Yep. He hated it. “Human interest? With perky-as-fuck Mindy?”

“They’ve already reported every detail they can about the killings and you being taken hostage. They want the real you, the man behind the badge.”

