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“You can, but he won’t need it. I promise, he knows. We all do. That’s the fun of all of us on this journey together. We do know each other.”

We did.

“We know when you need one of us or all of us. Just like you always seem to know when we need you.”

“Sometimes you guys need everyone too,” I reminded him.

“Best brother-husbands in the world,” he said, the dry tone perfect. They could all deadpan it. That title had not gone away since the day Sara dubbed them Ian’s brother-boyfriends. “Now, would you like to get some sleep or would you…”

I didn’t even let him finish before I shoved him over on his back and straddled him. One hand behind me, I unhooked my bra and then shrugged it off. His grin grew as he stroked his gaze over me. It was practically visceral.

When he reached for my pants, it was my turn to make a face. “Stay there.”

Then I scootched backwards. Did I purposefully grind on that very stiff erection he sported beneath his boxers? Yes, yes I did. The way his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed told me he noticed.

Pushing up on his elbows, he watched me ease my feet off the bed. Then I stood and hooked my hands into my waistband. The clothes peeled down easily enough. I could still squat though, I had to admit, I was gaining more size faster this time.

Head tilted, Coop studied me. I pivoted to give him the silhouette and placed a hand over the bump that had definitely increased. Normally, I put most of my weight on in the third trimester, the bump would grow to prominence closer thirty weeks than twenty-two.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered and there was no disbelieving that tone. “I keep thinking it’s impossible for you to be more beautiful and then you prove me wrong.”

The way he looked at me made me feel beautiful. It didn’t hurt that they told me over and over. The words were amazing, but it was the way they looked at me. How Coop stared at me now.

When he held out a hand, I glided my palm across his and let him draw me back to the bed. We were in a hotel suite across the country from the rest of our family, except for one other husband that I suspected would be a few hours yet to give us time.

I was going to kiss the hell out of him when he joined us later. My pussy clenched in anticipation. As I straddled Coop again, I let everything that wasn’t?—

“Wait, the kids are good?”

He raised his eyebrows.

Then before he could say a word, I pressed two fingers to his lips. “I know, but I worry about them and I just need you to tell me they are fine.”

Kissing my fingers, he tugged me closer before rolling me over on my back. “They are absolutely fine. Izzy’s enjoying her dance class. Josh is in love with soccer, found his new calling. Charlie is cutting a new tooth, but shh, he wants to show you himself.”

Warmth unfurled inside of me as he pressed kisses to each of my fingers, then paused when he got to my ring finger. With care, he spread my hand wide and studied it.

“Yes,” I told him. “They are on a chain right now around Ian’s neck because I was terrified of losing them.” My hands had started to swell four days before. I didn’t want to risk any issues so I’d taken them off.

It was Coop’s turn to give me a firm look. “Did you call the doctor?”

I grinned. “Yes and no. I emailed her through their app. Her assistant got back to me right away. They wanted to see a picture and for measurements. But retaining water is normal and we’ve got the blood pressure cuff from last time, so we checked it.”

“All good?” Like me, he wanted confirmation for comfort. Ian would never have let the tour proceed if my blood pressure was an issue.

“All good.” I used my free hand to cross my heart over my breast. My nipples were taut from the faint chill in the room and his nearness. That said, Coop radiated plenty of heat for both of us. He hadn’t lost his lean physique in all the years I’d known him, even when exercise was his least favorite form of recreation.

When he sucked one of my fingers between his lips, my stomach bottomed out and my pussy clenched again. He swirled his tongue around my index finger, then he dragged my middle finger in and teased it.

My awareness of him increased with every slow drag of his teeth and tongue over my finger. Goosebumps were rippling over my skin and my hair seemed to even tighten with every caress. Coop’s knowing gaze took all of that in. My lips parted when he bit down on the palm of my hand and I swore my hips lifted all on their own.

The weight of his erection rested on my thigh. His boxers limited the contact, but I was torn between savoring his every touch and going on an exploration of my own.

Every absence seemed to only heighten my need for each of them. Pregnancy just magnified the effect until I practically burned with it.

“I should be doing that for you,” I said, even as another shiver raced through me. My nipples ached, but frankly, my breasts did. Ian had a wonderful way of massaging them that helped, but they were still sore. Soon they’d get leaky too. But that was later.

“It’s my birthday,” he said. “Technically, somewhere in the world.”
