Page 65 of Mafia Savior

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“My fault. I didn’t call your cell ‘cause I wasn’t sure you’d pick up.”

“Fair enough.” It’s true. I wouldn’t have picked up. I’m trying to protect my heart. I don’t bother asking him how he tracked my work number down. I’m sure he knows everything about my current situation. My car’s probably covered in trackers. Instead of being weirded out by him keeping tabs on me, the idea’s given me some sort of comfort over these past few months of being on my own. “How can I help you?”

His voice wavers. “It’s Ashely. She’s gone into labor.”

“Oh my gosh! How exciting. How’s she doing?”

“Not good,” he says.

My heart drops. “What?”

“I mean, health-wise she’s okay. Its just—she’s freaking out. I mean, I know women freak out giving birth and all. I’ve seen the movies. But I’m not used to her freaking out. You know what I mean? She’s always been a rock.”

“Freaking out?” I ask. “What do you mean?”

“She’s just freaking out. And she’s asking for you.” He gives a big sigh. “She wants you.”

“She wants me?” My voice shoots up an octave. “Why would she want me?”

“You have a calming presence? You know a lot about babies? I don’t know her exact reasons, but she wants you. I’ve never seen her like this before.”

I glance at the door, feeling helpless. Reggie’s eyeing me, ready for me to come give him a hand. I promised I’d help him with Ms. Grace’s old Buick, Bessie, today. It’s Ms. Graces’s baby and she told Reggie that Bessie needs a woman’s touch.

I don’t think I can leave. When Hank hired me, there wasn’t exactly an HR discussion about time off. And I have class tonight. Bodyshop Repair Work. I’m heading to my local community college straight from the shop.

“I’m at work,” I say.

“Can you just come? Please?” His voice dips to a place I’ve never heard it go. “For me?”

I’ve never heard him sound this way before. Pleading, laced with a tinge of fear. And I’m pretty sure he’s said the phrase freaking out like ten times in this short conversation. He’s always so chill, so calm and commanding. His sister is his weakness.

Right now, he’s scared for her.

But why me?

If I go…

If I see him again, am I going to lose my strength? Run straight back into his arms? I’m healthy now. I’m by myself for the first time in a long time. Standing on my own two feet. I don’t want to fall into his arms.

“I don’t understand,” I say, trying to get out of it. “Why on earth would she want me? All the Beauties are there for her to choose from. She’s so much closer with those women—"

“She doesn’t want them. She wants you.”

I don’t say anything because I don’t know what to say.

“You don’t get it, do you.” He gives a sound that’s caught somewhere between a chuckle and a laugh of madness.

“Get what?”

“She wants you. She wants Rhett. Because you’re special. Your presence alone… it’s a gift. You make people feel good. Just being there. Just being in the goddamn room. And you’re never going to see that. Are you? Especially if I’m the one telling you this.”

His words swirl around me, confusing me, yet he’s so sincere I feel there must be some truth to them. Do people see me like that? Does it even matter? Ashely needs me and I’m going to be there for her.

And it sounds a little bit like he might need me too.

“I don’t know what to say. But I’ll come,” I say. “I’ll be there.”

“Thank God.” I picture him running his hand through his hair in relief, leaving it standing on end. “I can’t leave A so I’m gonna send a car for you. Wait out front.”
