Page 80 of Mafia Savior

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I ask the simple question that means more than any other I’ve ever asked…

"Rhett. Will you marry me?"

I hold my breath, waiting for her answer. My heart hammers. My gut flips over ten times, wondering if it was right. It feels like an eternity before she finally answers me.

She stares down at me, clearly shocked. My heart drums in my ears, loud and thunderous as my knee sinks further into the soft ground.

Please… say yes.

The most beautiful smile I’ve ever come across slowly lights her face. Her voice is soft but resolute. "Yes, I will. I’d love to marry you.”

Yes! She said yes!

“Hell yes.” I push a button in my pocket. The cars surrounding us come alive, their engines revving in approval as they roar to life.

"Wow! That's awesome." She laughs at my little surprise.

Relief washes over me as I slip the ring onto her finger. "You like that?"

"The car engine rev—what a great surprise." She glances down at her hand, admiring the ring. "And the ring is beautiful." She stares up at me. “I can’t believe we’re going to be getting married!”

“I’m so glad you said yes.” I take her in my arms, holding her close. Her hands wrap around my neck, and I know that everything is going to be alright now that she's going to be mine forever.

I've never been so sure of anything in my life.

As we stand there in the center of the circle, surrounded by the beauty of the cars and the scent of the evening air, I kiss her lips, hold her tight, and know, soon, she'll be my wife.

I walk her around the circle, letting her admire each car. She goes to her old Honda first, practically squealing with happiness as she takes in every improvement. My chest fills with pride as she stretches up on tiptoe to give me a big thank-you kiss.

“Don’t tell Bunny, but I can’t wait to drive the new Honda around the city,” she whispers in my ear.

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Bachman," I murmur between kisses. She laughs as I trail a line of featherlight kisses along her neck. “Which brings us to a timeline.”

“How soon do you want to be married?” She leans back, studying my face.

I’m dead serious as I say, “As soon as possible.” I won’t let her slip through my fingers ever again.

She smiles. “I like that. I’ll see what I can make happen.”

She’s a tomboy kinda girl. I can’t picture her planning a wedding. I have a feeling she’s got some help on her mind. Let’s see if I’m right.

“You mean, you’ll see what Ashely can make happen?” I ask.

She gives a hard nod. “Yes. Exactly.”

We laugh, both knowing my event-planning big sister will demand to have a huge part in our big day.

I don’t care who plans it. As long as I get her down the aisle before she gets the chance to run from me again, I’ll be happy.

Chapter Thirty


The sun shines brightly, only the slightest hint of a breeze in the air as we stand here, hand in hand, on the altar of our dreams. For our first ceremony, the one where our friends are invited, we chose a simple outdoor event, a wooden altar in a small, private, grassy courtyard in Central Park.

Our non-Bachman friends surround us, dressed in their finest, beaming with happiness. I never dreamed I'd have so many smiling faces to cheer for me on my wedding day, much less have two weddings of my dreams, but here we are, ready to embark on the next chapter of our lives.

The reverend steps forward, bringing with him the seriousness of the moment. His voice is gentle and calming, as he begins to read scriptures. I try to focus on his words, but I find myself getting lost in Beckett's love-filled stare instead.
