Page 81 of Mafia Savior

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He asks us to look into each other's eyes, which we're already doing, as he speaks of love, of courage, of faith in ourselves and in one another. I grip his hands tightly as we say our vows, reciting the words to one another. Then we exchange rings, the simple bands of platinum shining in the sunlight.

The reverend proclaims, "You are now husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Beckett and I share a smile, knowing this is only the beginning, there's much more to come today.

Our friends clap and cheer, and we embrace amidst a shower of confetti and well-wishes. The kiss is long, deep, and filled with emotion, reminding me of that intense kiss we shared in the street.

I know I'll never forget the feeling of this moment. Even gruff Hank has to wipe a tear from his eyes. We share a breakfast brunch in the park with my work family, his baseball team, and our friends, at long tables covered in white linen, spread with fresh fruit and pastries.

We say farewell, as it's time to move on to the Bachman-only ceremony.

We go back to the house to rest and change clothes out of the more casual outfits we wore for the brunch, preparing for a full evening ahead. Beckett wraps me in his arms as we change, saying, "Come here, wife." We make love on his big bed, the crisp white sheets tangling in our sweaty limbs as we consummate our marriage.

We shower, then Beckett’s rushed from the room as my glam team arrives. I’ve requested the women from the spa come to the house to get me ready for the second half of the celebration. I want them to recreate the naturally beautiful look they created that very first time I ever had a spa day.

Glossy chocolate hair waves down my back, a long veil pinned to the back of my head, set in a pearl barrette. I’ve chosen a simple, white slip gown for my evening wedding dress. I wear a matching pearl earrings and necklace set that Beckett gifted to me earlier in the day.

He wears a classic black tux and couldn’t look more handsome.

We reach the candlelit rooftop bar in the Village. The family surrounds us, all shining smiles, tuxes and ballgowns, sequins shining in the flickering candlelight. We perform the family vows. He clasps a necklace around my neck. A dangling sword pendant hangs from it, his sign that he is willing to lay down his life in order to protect me.

The reception is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. The ballroom of the Village has been transformed to perfection by Ashely. She's spent the past few weeks working away, a sleepy Rose attached to her chest, snuggled inside a cute floral baby carrier.

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers. The place looks like the Rose Bowl Parade, huge topiaries made of fresh roses. Romantic white globe lights hang from the ceiling. Strings of pearls hang from the rafters of the ballroom.

We dance our first dance, swaying together to a slow and sweet melody, while the family watches on, staring starry-eyed with approval.

As the night goes on, we make sure to spend time with each of our guests, thanking them for their presence and sharing stories of our journey together. There's lots of laughter, hugs, and plenty of tears as we all celebrate the most special day either one of us has ever had.

We both came from slightly sad, lonely childhoods, now surrounded by our chosen family. I can barely believe it as I look around at the sheer number of people gathered here to celebrate us tonight. My heart feels huge and warm.

Tonight, I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

The time comes to cut the cake. Vanilla layers topped with pink buttercream roses and tiny edible pears. We share a piece with each other before cutting a few slices for show and photos, as directed by Ashely.

As we walk away from the reception arm in arm, I feel nothing but happiness and contentment. Today truly begins the first day of the rest of our lives together.

But first…

It’s my turn to have a surprise up my sleeve.

Beckett’s jaw drops as he takes in the gift I’ve planned for him. During the reception, I had a Bachman-friendly crew of workers secretly turn the entire grassy courtyard of the Village into a temporary baseball diamond.

It’s complete with black netted fencing to keep our guests safe from fly balls, bleachers for them to sit and watch, and a red dirt pitcher’s mound. Rockland wouldn’t allow me to do the full dirt baselines, worried about damage to his grass.

Beckett looks around, taking it all in. “What is this, baby?”

“I just thought that there’s no better way to kick off our lives together than me kicking your ass in a baseball game,” I laugh.

He gives me the brow. “Kick my ass?”

“Just kidding,” I laugh again. “We’re on the same team. The Double T’s.”

Charlie comes up by my side, my partner in crime in planning this whole thing, and pops a red baseball cap on my head, TT stitched on the front of the cap in white thread. Bride is embroidered on the back. “Here you go, babe! Uniforms are in the schoolroom. Get changed and let’s”—she punches the air— “play ball!”

She tosses a red TT cap to Beckett, the word Groom stitched on the back of his. It was Charlie’s idea for us to have Bride and Groom caps. Cute. She flies off, her arms full of hats to be delivered.

“Who are we playing?” he asks. There’s already an excited glow on his face. I swear, the man looks happier about the game than he was about the reception.

“The other team captains are Boston and Ashely. They’re the Bachman Buddies.”
