Page 30 of Submission

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“Seems a little inappropriate,” she sniffs. “The two of us staying alone before the trip has even begun.”

“Of course, it goes without saying that I’ll stay in the guestroom on the second floor. You can have my room,” I say.

“I still like to hear you say it,” she says. “You know I’ve got the Russos to think about. I don’t want stories floating around about me.”

“You know you’re safe from rumors when you’re with me or anyone from your security team.” I grip the steering wheel tighter. Clearly her father trusts me with her life and V-card.

“Still, I have a fiancé now.”

“Possible fiancé. Your dad said it’s not official till you meet him and say the word. But let’s hope it’s a match.” I don’t know why I find the need to point that fact out once more.

“Yes. Let’s. Still. I’d like to keep our interactions appropriate,” she says. She takes a deep, shaky breath. “Which means I don’t think you should be—spanking—me anymore.” She gives a deep exhale, signaling how hard it was for her to say that out loud.

Unfortunately, the shame in her tone, the pink splotches I see rising in her cheeks, turn me on.

We get to the Village. Pass through the double gates. Ride down the quiet, tree-lined streets, along the rows of homes till we get to mine. I park her dad’s Hummer out in front. Open the car door for her, grabbing her bag. She follows me up the front steps and wanders through the foyer, slowly, taking in the place.

Finally, she joins me upstairs, in the third-floor bedroom.

She hovers in the doorway. Like she’s too scared of me to come any closer. I nod to the bed. “I left you a T-shirt of mine to sleep in. I can get you something more if you want to wake up one of the Beauties to see if they’ve got something you can borrow.”

“No, no. This is fine,” she says. “I know they wouldn’t mind, but there’s no way I’m inconveniencing anyone else tonight. Besides, most of them spent the night in the Hamlet after my party anyway.”

I point to the bathroom. “There’s spare new of everything in the bathroom cabinet. Toothbrushes. Whatever you need.”

“Spare everything?” She cocks her head to the side, a funny smile crossing her face. “Why? You have a lot of women sleep over?”

I shut her down, quickly. “Never.” She’s not the only one who doesn’t want rumors floating around about her.

She’s looking me over. As if she’s wondering why I don’t have women over.

“But I’m also never unprepared,” I say, wanting to break her focus on me. “You never know when you might have to house a naughty kid you’re stuck babysitting overnight.”

That makes her look away.

“Get a good night of sleep,” I say, turning to leave. “Because we have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”

“No.” Her voice stops me.

I turn back to face her. “Excuse me?”

Having my full attention, she crosses her arms over her chest, cocks that hip, and says, “If we have stuff we need to talk about, we’re doing it now.”

“Who put you in charge, princess?”

“Today feels like it’s been a million different days. The party, the Pit, the—coming here.” She shakes her head after skipping the spanking bit. “I’m just as tired as you, but I’m not going to sleep well with some impending talk looming over my head, so I’m asking?—”


“Whatever it is you feel you need to say, you can do it now. Please.”

I wanted to sleep on it. Calm down. Get a clear head. Then talk to her about my expectations, my rules, my demands that she will obey.

“You want to talk now?”

Something in my voice makes her falter a bit. She steels her nerves. “Yeah. Now. Please.”

I point to the bed. “Sit.”
