Page 33 of Submission

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Her blue eyes, shining with tears, lock on mine. “I get it. I’ll do as you ask. And…thank you.”

“For the spanking?” I say, enjoying the embarrassed flush that returns to her cheeks.

“No.” She shakes her head. Her blue eyes hit mine and I feel it deep in my stomach. “For the protection.”

It takes every ounce of everything I’ve got to stand and leave that room.

Without kissing those pretty lips of hers.



My scalp aches as I undo the tight braids. I undress in the bathroom, peeling off my tight, sweaty clothes. Of course, I glance over my shoulder at my bare ass in the mirror to see if there’s any redness there. I almost die of humiliation, my stomach dropping four floors as I take in my reflection.

His handprints are on my ass.

Why is the sight of his angry red handprint on my creamy skin turning me on? Why was I wet when he was spanking me? And why, oh, why was I getting off on grinding my ass against him? Am I turning into some kind of kinky freak? Before him, the most I’d done was touch myself under the covers after reading one of those steamy romance novels I’d found.

I take a hot shower, letting the water unknot my tightened muscles. Afterward, I dry my hair as best I can with a fluffy towel. I’m too tired to blow it dry. I slip into his clean white T-shirt. It’s massive on me. Soft, cool cotton that slips against my skin as I wear nothing beneath it.

It’s late. Really late. But my dad has always told me to call anytime. I need to know what he said to Savage, if he really did give him permission to punish me. I grab my pink bookbag from the floor, undoing the long zipper. I move the candy around and check every pocket.

No phone.

Savage will be hearing about this. I stand up, ready to march down the hallway and demand my phone, but when I move, my ass hurts.

Maybe I’ll yell at him about the phone tomorrow.

A yawn hits me, my body suddenly feeling like it’s made of lead. My goodness, it’s five in the morning. The party, the fight, the running through the woods, I’m so tired. I guess my lecture on respecting other people’s property can wait till tomorrow.

I’ll also hold off on trying to process what the hell just happened to me.

What he did to me.

And how my poor little untouched virgin body responded.

I crawl under the fluffy feather duvet, pulling the covers up to my chin.

That’s the last thing I remember when I open my eyes to the sun streaming in the windows. Blinking hard at the incoming sunlight, it takes me a moment to orient myself. For the first time in my life, I’ve spent the night in a man’s bedroom.

Alone, sure. But still. It counts. Just turned twenty-one and look at me. A worldly woman.

The vibe of the room is so different than my own. Instead of my soft blue and pale silver there’s grays and blacks. The wood dark where my furniture is painted white. Hardwoods instead of the fluffy wall-to-wall carpeting I prefer. I inhale the scent of the pillow, the covers.

Masculine and clean.

I glance around the walls. No family photos, or pictures of friends. No sports paraphernalia or posters—though I guess he’s too old for that sort of thing. Still, it’s a room void of anything personal. It could belong to any one of the men in our family.

I remember even his front door is black, the welcome mat a plain brown grass one. Were there pictures downstairs? I don’t think so. Art? Sculptures? Anything personal or decorative?

It’s like he’s just a visitor here. Maybe he’s hoping to be transferred to the Parish one day. I have seen him there, after all. The young single guys tend to move around from the island to the city. We Hamlets stay put for the most part, traveling to the Village and Parish mostly for family celebrations.

Which reminds me—we’ve got to get going. I have my farewell dinner in the Hamlet tonight. I check the bedside clock.

How is it already one in the afternoon? I can’t believe I slept for eight hours solid. I stretch myself awake, finding the scent of coffee lingering in the air. I shuffle barefoot across the cold wood floors, my nipples tightening and straining against the material of his thin white tee. I go to grab my sweaty clothes to change into till I can borrow something clean.

Then I think otherwise.
