Page 80 of Submission

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I’ll never forget the way she looks, above me, while I’m bucking my hips to meet each of her hard fucks. Now she’s got one hand flat against my chest, the other reaching behind her to cup my balls. Whoa. Where did she come up with that—but my wondering falls short as my eyes close, and I lose myself in the feeling. She’s holding me with just the right amount of firmness and warmth, cupping and massaging my balls. She leans back further, still playing with my balls while riding me.

She’s going to make me come. Hard. Now. I try to hold back. Licking my fingertips, I rub them against her clit, needing to get her closer and fast. If she keeps riding me like this, I’m going to be bursting in mere seconds, filling her with cum. Lucky for me, her body, as always, is responsive.

She keeps riding me but with the added sensation of my wet fingers massaging her swollen clit, she starts crying out for me, loud and desperate. “Sav. Oh my God. Make me come!”

And I do. And she does. Tightening around me till I, too, can’t take any more. My balls tighten in her grasp. The orgasm wraps around my core. Pulling me in till I hit my limit, a three-to-five-second explosion like a gunshot, followed by vibrations, trembling, blowback.

She collapses against me, her warm, languid body pressed against mine. I stroke her hair, taking deep breaths, fighting the sudden need to sleep. I’m so lucky. SO fucking lucky to get to do what I just did with the woman I just did it with.

She’s a fucking goddess.

My phone buzzes from the pocket of my pants I tossed to the floor. It’s a text from Rowan. “Hang on,” I say, flattening my palm against her lower back, pinning her in place as I reach down to the floor to dig for my phone. “Don’t move.”

Call me, the message says. We’re cleared to leave.

“What happened?” she asks, looking up at me lazily in her afterglow.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I have to take this call.” I give her a quick kiss, throw on jeans and a shirt and dip out the front door.

I make sure the door is closed, so she can’t hear the conversation. Don’t want her worrying. I call Rowan back.

His British accent flows through the phone, calm as can be. “Oy, mate! You’re gonna love this one."

I instantly relax. "Hit me with it."

“Alfie thought he saw something in the woods. Spooked him pretty bad. Kid hit the five-alarm before he even thought it through. I think rewatching that movie with the lads last night had him antsy. Probably heard a stick break under someone’s boots and thought he was being attacked by werewolves or something. We ran the protocol, did a full-out ten-man scan of the woods. Found nothing.”

“What a waste of time.” I’m angry at first, but then I picture my redheaded recruit in those dark woods and almost feel sorry for him. “Poor Alfie. He’s never gonna live this one down.”

“Oh, the lads are ripping him a new one as we speak. His face was as red as his hair when I left the firepit to call you. But he can take a joke. Hopefully they’ll leave him alone in a few days, but right now they’re calling him—” Rowan chokes on a laugh.


“Ginger Jacob.”

I shake my head. “I don’t get it.”

“Movie reference. You wouldn’t get it.”

“Don’t tell me that he had you watching that garbage last night?”

“Hey! Bit harsh, don’t you think?” He changes the subject without answering. “Anyway, we’re cleared to leave for the next destination. You mentioned wanting to go straight to Italy after this. Cut the tour short. I’ve got everything ready to go, if you want? We can leave in the morning.”

“Oh—” My stomach drops. “Right.” Once we get to Italy, there will be no reason for me and Paisley to spend any time together.

Which is exactly what I wanted, only a few days ago. Things change quickly, don’t they?

I stand in the front yard, phone at my ear, staring through the living room window.

She sits on the couch pulling a shirt over her head. Her trip, her decision, right? Nope. Those rules were only applicable when I was nothing more than her escort. The dynamic between us has changed.


I need to consider all angles of this situation.

And admit just how out of control things have become.

If I say yes, then this ends.
