Page 81 of Submission

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I voted to get out of town, to head to the next place. It was lovely of Anni to offer me a training session at her place but honestly, I knew all the guys would watch and the thought of all those eyes on me turned my stomach.

Also, I’m done with that part of my life. I promised myself the last fight in the Pit would be my final fight and it was. I know not everyone in the family would understand, especially my dad, why I put so much time and effort into training only to give it up, but I’m like that with hobbies.

I’m okay with something ending. I’m comfortable with interests coming and going in my life. Sure, reading and learning will never become disinteresting to me, but I’ve lost my desire to train or fight.

Which is why, this morning, after cleaning and scrubbing and disinfecting every inch of the cabin that we used, I made Anni a cup of tea. I brought it out to her where she was weeding a garden bed, looking satiated and satisfied like the cat who got the cream. I didn’t ask what she’d gotten up to last night, and she returned the favor.

“Thank you so much for letting us stay here. Your cabin is beautiful and this place you’ve found, it’s just magical.” We hugged and she fully understood I was ready to move on.

I noticed as we loaded the vans, Alfie hung back, slipping a piece of paper to Anni as we left. I couldn’t read her face as she slipped the note into the back pocket of her jeans. Alfie’s been quiet all morning, even as I quickly went over my plans with him for the umpteenth time while Sav was in the shower.

Good for him! I didn’t peg a redheaded man to be Anni’s type, but here we are.

Now, all of us Bachmans are safely aboard our jet, Oregon behind us as we head to our next destination.

It takes every ounce of self-control in my body to focus on my candy and NOT think about everything that transpired in that cabin and how—OH MY GOD—I’m not an innocent little virgin anymore!

But as I slide my yummy gummies across the palm of my hand, sorting them so I can eat them from my favorite to least favorite color, though I love them all, my pussy gives a little quiver reminding me she’s a big girl now. It’s like now that I finally gave my pussy a taste of cock, she’s turned into a monster, demanding more sex. I pop all three of the orange bears in my mouth at once, chomping away the sexual frustration I now feel.

I thought that went away once you’d had sex?

Turns out it’s a craving that’s always there, going away just for a little while, momentarily satiating, kinda like my sweet tooth. But Sav’s right beside me, his big frame filling out his wide seat, his hair a little longer than a few weeks ago, curling sexily at the ends. The short beard he typically wears is a bit longer as well and his big, warm, muscular arm now brushes against mine, reaching down to grab his computer, and just that little touch sends electricity sparking down my arm, straight to my pussy.

Down, girl. I eat the two red bears and the two clear ones at the same time. Chomp. Chomp. Chomp. A thought comes to me, sudden and heart-stopping.

Pippa didn’t message me or visit me. I haven’t even thought about her once on this trip. I finally cashed in the V-card. And she didn’t even show up.

I’m finally getting better.

“So,” he says, opening his laptop and watching it come to life. “Where to?”

“I already told you. I cleared it with the pilots and the flight attendants and even Rowan, and we are good to go.” I pop a green one in my mouth. Yummy, but it’s no orange.

He drums his fingers against the computer. “I know. But you haven’t told me.”

“I know. But I told you it’s a surprise.” I reach over, standing a gummy bear up on the edge of his keyboard, so it can keep an eye on him.

“But I’m the head of security. Don’t you think I should know where we’re going? Clear it all with everyone and make sure we’re set?”

I take another gummy, holding it up to pretend like it’s talking to him. “As the head of security, don’t you think that you should have trust in your team? That your second-in-command should be able to handle—not to mention needs the experience in—setting up security at our next location? How will he ever replace you when you’re inevitably moved up to work in the offices at Bachman Enterprises one day?”

“I know I can’t be the Planner forever. I love the job, the intensity, the thrill, but it’s a young man’s job to be on the road all the time. Headquarters is in the Village which suits me.” He eyes me. “Has my name been thrown around?”

I give a cryptic shrug. “Maybe. I mean, they do call you the human calculator. Seems like it would be a waste to not have you employed at Headquarters, crunching those numbers.”

“I would love to be in the Village permanently,” he says.

“I haven’t spent much time there. Just a few shopping-Broadway weekends here and there.” And the night I stayed at his place. Down, girl. “It’s pretty.”

“Pretty?” He shoots me a look like I’m crazy. “The Village is amazing. Like a gated community of all your favorite people. Then, when you need to get out, the best city in the world is just outside your gates. After being locked up in Stepford for twenty-one years, you should try it. I think you’d like it.”

