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Literally saved by the bell.

“That’s your mom here to pick up Judah,” I said.

To say that Adrian had been excited to have another baby to fawn over had been an understatement. She’d insisted on taking him for a few hours every other day to give me a break. Though, honestly, it seemed more like she did it because she genuinely just wanted to spend time with Judah.

One time, she’d taken him to her house to bake sugar cookies. Another time, they’d gone to Lucky’s house for a playdate.

This time, she had her sights on introducing him to the grandchild oasis she’d built in her backyard, complete with a full playground area, a giant sandbox, water tables, and a dedicated kitchen station for the grandkids to make mud pies and such.

I probably should have been more upset about being parted from him. Especially since the only times I’d been away from him in the past were when I’d been forced to go with Warren somewhere.

But, honestly, I found it was something I looked forward to. Especially because Judah adored Adrian.

And, clearly, Adrian was a woman who could be trusted.

I mean… she’d raised Aurelio, hadn’t she? And he turned out perfect.

When I walked past the living room, I found Judah shoving random toys into his little backpack.

“Nana is here,” I said.

I hadn’t had a single second thought about allowing him to call her that when she’d insisted upon it. Because, quite frankly, I had every intention on staying with Aurelio. Forever. I wanted Adrian to be his Nana. And she wanted that too. So there was no reason to object.

Judah’s eyes went big and excited as he zipped up his bag, then stumbled toward the door, whacking into Aurelio as he went.

“Easy, bud,” I reminded him. “Relo has a boo-boo,” I said.

“Sorry, Relo,” Judah said, leaning in to kiss his leg, then rushing with me toward the door. “Nana!” he cheered as the door opened.

And there was Adrian, already squatting down, arms open, ready to grab him as he threw himself into her arms.

Beside her on the front step was yet another tin full of some sort of delicious meal. The fridge and freezer were already full, but I was still excited to see what she’d cooked up for us. I might have to ask Milo to drop off a chest freezer for the basement if the meal train kept up.

I was half-tempted to insist she hold some sort of Italian mom cooking class, so I could learn to cook half as good as her.

“I will visit later,” Adrian said, handing me the tin, then lifting Judah into her arms. “You two rest,” she said, giving me a warm smile.

“Bye, buddy,” I called, but Judah already forgot all about me until Adrian prompted him to blow me a kiss.

“I think my son likes your mom more than he likes me,” I declared as I passed the living room where Aurelio had deposited himself back down on the couch.

I was probably being overprotective of him. Lettie did say he was getting better each time she dropped in.

I just didn’t want him to make anything worse and put himself down for any longer than absolutely necessary.

And he’d already gone upstairs this morning to shower. He needed to take it easy.

“What’d she make?” he asked as I joined him on the couch, bringing a cup of coffee for each of us.

“It looks like some kind of stuffed chicken with a side of pasta that is topped with bruschetta.”

We drank our coffee in comfortable silence, both of us staring at the TV, but seemingly lost in our own thoughts.

It wasn’t until Aurelio plucked my half-full coffee cup out of my hand and set it beside his on the end table, then reached for me that I knew where his thoughts had clearly been.

And then his hands were on me, chasing away the thoughts about objecting before they could really take root.

His lips were on mine, not soft and sweet like they’d been since he’d come home, but harder, hungrier. Needier.
