Page 10 of Daddy's Direction

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“My what?” she screeched, her mouth dropping open, all her hackles back up.

It was exactly the reaction I’d expected.

But that was fine. I’d been going for the element of surprise. “I didn’t stutter. You’ve been acting like a petulant teenager, and you’re so far on the edge that I’m surprised you haven’t jumped yet. You may not realize this, but a good spanking can have a very calming effect, and I think it would help clear your head and erase some of your doubts if you knew what to expect when you break the rules.”

If I could have taken a picture in that moment of the pure shock on Jasmine’s face, I could have sent it into America’s Funniest Home Videos, and won a buttload of money.

When she recovered, she glared at me, and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to just bend over and let you spank me, Bain.”

Crossing my arms, I leveled her with a glare. “Did you sign paperwork accepting that you would be punished for naughty behavior?”

Her eyes shuttered and regret flashed on her face. “I mean, I did sign the paperwork…”

“Did you read it before you signed it?”

“I did, but…I didn’t do anything wrong! Aren’t we supposed to, I don’t know, like, negotiate or discuss, or whatever?” She stumbled all over her words as she tried to get her thoughts out.

“You’re not wrong,” I assured her, “but you signed up for Rent-A-Daddy because you need help getting your life together, right? Your circumstances and choices have brought you to this point. I’m here to help you get back on track and give you some tools to help you not let things get this bad again. We’ll sit down and iron everything out, but it will be after I have spanked you.”

“Why after?” I could see that she wasn’t ready to give in.

Hadn’t I already explained why? Maybe I wasn’t being clear enough. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and changed my approach. “How nervous are you about earning a punishment?”

“On a scale of one to ten? About a million.”

Her admission didn’t surprise me. From what I knew of her and her husband, while they had occasionally frequented The Penthouse, I knew they had only been players, and hadn’t lived any sort of real life dynamic. Before he’d died, Henry had expressed interest in changing that, but he hadn’t known if Jasmine would share that interest. I’d been mentoring him in the ins and outs of a power exchange dynamic before the accident that took his life, but to my knowledge, he hadn’t yet expressed his intentions to his wife.

“I figured. So if I give you a little punishment now it will serve multiple purposes. I believe it will calm you down and get you into the right state of mind to discuss goals and rules without freaking out and having the little panic attacks and tantrums you’ve been having all night. Giving you a spanking now will give you a taste of what will happen if you decide to break those rules. And it will get the dreaded ‘first punishment’ over and done with. You said yourself you have limited funds and need to make the best out of this time we have, so it’s a solid plan if you ask me.”


I didn’t remember asking him, but as much as I wanted to be offended and kick him out on his butt, I couldn’t argue with his logic. I needed this help, and I couldn’t afford to pay month after month for a Rent-A-Daddy. Still, the thought of being that vulnerable with Bain without having the benefit of lowered inhibitions due to alcohol in my system was daunting.

Sighing, I threw my hands into the air. “Fine. whatever. How does this work?”

Bain smiled. It was a sly smile that I assumed I was going to grow to hate. It showed plain as day on his face, and especially in his expressive eyes, that he was getting way too much pleasure out of my discomfort.

I hadn't really thought about it until that moment, but I guessed he would have to get something out of it if they offered the service. It couldn’t have been solely about the money. Well, it could be, but something was telling me it wasn’t.

“First of all,” Bain said, answering my question, “when you earn a punishment from Daddy, you are going to have to ask for it.”

Fuck me.

I bit my lip to keep all of the things I wanted to say from spilling out. Twelve hundred dollars, I reminded myself. I was not quitting on day one. I couldn’t afford to. Literally. But I sure as hell didn’t want to ask him to spank me, either.

“Is that really necessary?”

Bain looked me in the eyes and took my hands in his. “I want you to always take responsibility for what you have done wrong. So, when you break a rule or your behavior is not in line with what I require, you will come to me, tell me what you did wrong, and ask me to punish you to help you remember to be a good girl.”

I couldn’t help the groan that escaped after he was finished talking, but my reaction wasn’t all disgust. My heart was racing, and dammit, my nether regions were tingling with excitement. My body was betraying me, as it always seemed to when Bain was anywhere in the vicinity.

I refused to let on how I was really feeling. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”

“Not in the slightest.” He smiled outright this time, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was deriving pleasure from my obvious discomfort. “I want you to get your money’s worth, after all, and if the punishment isn’t enough of a deterrent, then the requirements surrounding said punishment will certainly be.”

I sucked in a breath, and held it for a second. “What if the punishment is enough on its own?”

Bain sighed deeply, looking tired, and I immediately felt guilty. I wanted this, or at least, I’d signed up for it. Why was I fighting it so hard?
