Page 16 of Daddy's Direction

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I gave her a hug and headed out. I had instructed her to rest, but I had some work ahead of me before I could take my own advice. After learning all I had about Jasmine and her difficulties, and seeing first-hand how mired in grief she still was, I deduced this was going to be a long process unless I could come up with a way to expedite it. And for her financial security, I needed to expedite it, so that meant I had some planning to do.

Chapter Four


Despite the late night, I’d had a hard time falling asleep and I woke early the next morning. Staring at my ceiling, I replayed the evening and everything that had led up to it for the millionth time. From the disastrous day, to the second I decided to dress up and go to the penthouse, to signing up for a Daddy, to the things I saw, the things I said, and the things I’d done. As stressful as it had all been when I was going through it, I couldn’t imagine changing any of it. I mean, sure, it had been emotional and mortifying, and I felt like I was betraying Henry, but ending the night sipping wine with Bain’s arm around me had been so nice and normal and oddly comforting. My alarm went off because I’d actually remembered to set it, and I sat up and looked around the room. It was, just as it had been yesterday, an overwhelming disaster of epic proportions. I didn’t have a ton of stuff, but no one would ever know that from the state of every room in my house. I needed some serious time and help to get all of it organized. Bain claimed to have a plan, but what did that mean? He was a glorified disciplinarian and businessman, not a maid or a life coach.

My phone pinged and I fell back in my bed, throwing my arm over my eyes. “Who’s texting me so early?” I whined into the empty room before rolling over and grabbing my phone because I knew exactly who was texting me so early. Glaring at the screen I read the message from Bain.

Good morning, I hope you slept well. I know we have not gone over rules and things yet, but we have a busy day ahead. I need you to be ready to leave your house at 9am.

How did you even get my number? I replied grumpily.

From your application. Please respond appropriately when I give you an order. That will be the only warning you receive.

Yes. Sir.

I tapped the screen harder than necessary and slammed the phone down on my nightstand. I was not a morning person, and expecting me to be bright-eyed and bushy- tailed by 9 am, which was less than 90 minutes from now, was asking a lot. What had I gotten myself into? My phone buzzed again, but I ignored it. He’d given me my instructions; he didn’t need to keep harassing me. I wondered if there was some rule about responding to texts or something ridiculous like that as I stripped from my pajamas and got in the shower.

I took my time, enjoying the hot spray. I had plenty of time to be ready by nine; there was no reason to rush my favorite activity. Granted, it was most likely one of my favorite things to do because it gave me a few minutes to escape my life. In the shower, all I had to worry about was myself. It was bliss, and by the time I got out, got dressed, and spent a little extra time doing my hair and makeup, I was actually kind of excited about what the day might bring, and even more excited to see Bain again.

When my doorbell rang at 9 a.m. on the dot, it wasn’t a shocker. Bain had told me to be ready at 9, so it stood to reason that was when he planned to show up. What was surprising was that he wasn’t alone. Nyla was with him.

“Good morning!” Nyla held up two coffees and a paper fast food bag. “I brought donuts.”

I couldn’t help but be annoyed as I attempted to shoot Bain questioning looks over the top of Nyla’s head. I was still feeling annoyed with Nyla from the engagement party fiasco, even though it had totally been my own fault. More than that, I was pissed about the presence of yet another person who would see what a mess my life had become, but I stepped out of the way and let them both in, anyway.

“I know you have questions.” Bain cut to the chase as soon as I shut the door. “I’m going to just need you to trust me this morning, okay?”

“Trust you on what? What’s going on?” I accepted the coffee Nyla held out to me and took a sip, hoping the caffeine would kick in quickly. I was going to need it to deal with whatever this was.

Bain looked at Nyla then back at me. “Let’s go talk in the kitchen.”

He held out his hand to me, but I ignored it and all but stomped into the kitchen ahead of him. I didn’t need him to lead me around like a little puppy, especially in my own house, and every time he touched me it did funny things to my insides. And then I’d think about Henry, and feel guilty. And if I felt guilty, then I’d be too guarded to let this work, and I’d have wasted a shit ton of money for nothing. Feelings and hormones were a complication I did not need, and yet somehow, I had to walk the fine line between just guarded enough to avoid them and not so guarded that none of this worked, and it was all for nothing. Somehow, I had to be able to keep a clear head around him, and that meant no more touching unless absolutely necessary.

“What’s going on, Bain?” I questioned, inwardly reminding myself to walk that line. “Why are you involving Nyla in this? I thought it was private!”

I wasn’t really upset about Nyla knowing about our arrangement; she was one of his business partners, so she was bound to find out sooner or later, but that didn’t mean I wanted her here while we ironed out all the nitty-gritty details, either. I was frustrated with myself for not having the balls to talk to her about it first, and I wasn’t too keen on being blindsided by the two of them first thing in the morning.

“Relax, Jasmine. Nyla is here for one reason and one reason only. She knows nothing about the specifics of our arrangement, or anything that transpired last night, okay? Everything that happens between us stays between us unless you decide to share.”

That made me feel a little better, but it still didn’t answer my questions. “Why is she here, then?”

Bain put his hands on my shoulders and leaned in. “When was the last time you did anything for yourself?”

“What kind of question is that?” I gulped. He was so close I could smell the crisp aftershave on his skin.

“A serious one. Answer me.”

“I-I don’t really remember. I mean, I did get dressed up and come to the club last night. That was for me.” I scrambled for an answer, anything that would make me feel less pathetic under his shrewd gaze.

“And for some people a night at the club would totally qualify as self-care, but no, for you, that was an act of desperation. I’m talking about something fully and truly for yourself.”

I shrugged and tried to look away. “I have three kids to take care of.”

“I realize that, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. I think part of getting you back on track means making yourself a priority when you can. You have help with the kids, right?”

“Henry’s mom takes them sometimes, and I have my friend Chrissy for emergencies. Why?”
