Page 18 of Daddy's Direction

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“To the spa? Nothing. Well actually, you might want to put on a bathing suit if you have one. I just usually wear my bra and panties under my robe, but some people are more comfortable in a bathing suit.”

Thinking about the single awful bathing suit I owned, I shuddered. “I’ll be fine in my bra and panties.”

“Great. Then grab your purse and let’s do this.”

Nyla’s excitement was contagious, so I tried to shake off my anxiety and just roll with it.

Coffee, donuts, and purses in hand, we headed out to the car. The driver was standing with the back door open.

“So fancy.” I shook my head as I climbed in and buckled my seat belt. “We could have taken my car.”

“We could have taken any car, but this was what Bain wanted. Plus, after you’re all done you’re going to be so relaxed that you won’t want to have to worry about driving.”

“That sounds nice. Now where are those donuts?”

Nyla handed me the bag and I opened it to see what my choices were. Both were traditional glazed, which was my favorite. “Yum.”

I pulled one out and handed the bag back to Nyla, who took the other and bit into it, her eyes rolling back in her head as she savored the treat. “Oh god, I haven’t had one of these since I’ve been back. New York has some killer donuts, but there’s nothing like the taste of home.”

“Agreed.” I moaned as I bit into the deliciously sweet, fried-to-perfection donut.

“So…” Nyla looked at me expectantly.

I chewed slowly and watched the buildings whizz by. I knew I was going to have to tell her what was up at some point, but I had hoped we would be sharing a bottle of wine when I did it, not donuts and coffee.

“So, how's stuff with you and Bas?” I asked, changing the subject. I knew things were good; I’d been at their engagement party not too long ago.

Nyla raised a brow at my obvious tactic. “Things are great. Wedding plans are in full motion and I’m happier than I have been in my entire life.”

My heart melted for her. Nyla had a bad marriage before ending up back in Philly with Bas. She had a heart of gold and she really did deserve everything she had and more.

I cringed as I remembered how I’d treated her at her engagement party a few weeks prior. It had been an unfortunate coincidence that she’d planned the party for the anniversary of Henry’s death. It’s not like I expected her to remember that, and I should have just declined when I realized, but I’d wanted to try. I’d apologized that same day, but we hadn’t talked much since, and I couldn’t help but apologize again.

“I know I already told you how sorry I was for being a jerkface at your engagement party, but I really am sorry.” Tears filled my eyes and I swiped at them as soon as they leaked out.

Nyla reached over and squeezed my thigh. “It’s okay. Bain told me what day it was, but he shouldn’t have had to. I should have realized, and planned the party for a different day.”

“No, it’s not your fault or your responsibility to remember. I should have recognized that I wouldn’t be in a good place, and just been honest and begged off. I know you and Bas would have understood.”

“We would have. But we were glad you came.”

“Even though I was a total jerk?”

“You know, you weren’t the only one who was a jerk,” Nyla responded.

“What are you talking about? You weren’t a jerk! And if you were, you were just reacting to my jerkiness!”

“Not at the party.” Nyla waved her hand through the air. “I mean, back then, when Henry died. I should have been there for you more. I should have checked in on you, not just sent flowers and a card and been done with it. I wasn’t a good friend. I was dealing with a lot, but it's no excuse. I’m just glad you had Chrissy and Taylor.”

I drew a deep breath, gulping back tears. I hadn’t realized how badly I’d needed that apology until I heard it. “Thank you for saying that.” I grabbed her hand. “I was so glad you were back, it was easy to brush that under the rug… until it wasn’t. I’ll admit that was on my mind the day of your engagement party. But I’m still sorry for the way I acted.”

Nyla leaned across the seat, squishing me in a side hug.

“I already forgave you.”

“I forgive you too.”

“And,” Nyla added, “I totally get it. You’ve been dealing with a lot of shit, girl. It’s not fair.”
