Page 23 of Daddy's Direction

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"What were you doing?"

"Looking for something I could use to spank your bottom."

"Oh." I actually heard her throat constrict as she gulped loudly. "Did you find something?"

"I did." Positioning myself just right, I pulled back my arm and cracked the dowel across the fleshy center of her bottom, hitting both cheeks at the same time.

"Owwww!" She hissed and danced in place as a thin red line popped up on her otherwise unmarked skin. "What is that?"

Turning her around, I held up the offending item.

"Where did that come from?"

"Broken kids kite. I'll buy you a new one."

She pouted, but said nothing.

"Did you think about the wisdom of testing Daddy?"

"Yeah." She was staring at the carpet and shuffling her feet, looking more like a naughty child than the sexy grown woman she was.

"Here's what's going to happen," I said even as I took her hand and led her to the couch, sitting and guiding her face down across my lap. "I'm going to spank you until your bottom is nice and red-hot. And then, when it hurts to sit, that's exactly what you are going to do. You're going to sit down at the table with your bottom still bare, and you're going to do that last thirty minutes of work on a hot bottom. Do you understand me, little girl?”

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good. We're working on a timeline here, so we'd better get started. You need a safeword. Pick one."

"It's okay, I don't need one."

I rolled my eyes. Amateurs. "You need one. Pick one. And understand it's not going to get you out of a punishment, or something you get to use just because it hurts. It's to protect you if something else is wrong, like you get a cramp or you just need a minute to breathe."

"Oh. Okay. Then I pick ‘butterfly’."

"Butterfly it is." It wasn't the strangest safeword I'd ever heard, but I made a mental note to ask her later why she'd picked it. "Time to begin."


I still hated the idea of being spanked, but I didn't hate it quite as much, and dammit, the fact that he'd followed through was comforting somehow.

The comforting feeling lasted throughout the short warm-up with his hand and right up until the dowel came down across the center of my ass. How could something so thin, a piece of a child's toy, for God's sake, hurt so damn much? A line of fire rose up where the dowel touched down, and tears of shock teased the corners of my eyelids.

"Ow! What the hell!" I threw my hands back to block any further smacks and twisted to glare at him.

"It's supposed to hurt. The idea is that the pain and the memory of it will remind you not to test Daddy in the future," he explained calmly, moving my hands and pinning them to the center of my back.

"That thing is evil," I said with a pout.

"I'm glad you think so. I'll have to add it to my arsenal. Don't finish your work hours, and this is what you'll get."

I groaned, but I knew it wouldn’t be effective. Once Bain said something, it was so.

"We don't have a lot of time if I'm to leave before your kids get back, so brace yourself; this is gonna be hard and fast," he warned.

When he started again, it was exactly as he'd said, the dowel hitting hard and fast, over and over, giving me no time to breathe or cry out between swats. It was almost easier that way. Almost.

I managed to draw a few deep breaths and hold back threatening tears—at least until he started to lecture.

"The reason I gave you only a simple rule for the weekend was to set you up for success. Being able to concentrate only on work for a few days would ensure that you got caught up, and maybe even ahead, and would make the coming week, when we will be adding more rules, less overwhelming. So there is a method to my madness, and when you break rules for the sake of breaking them, you are only hurting yourself." He cracked the dowel again, this time lower, in the crease between my bottom and thighs.
