Page 30 of Daddy's Direction

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"Yes Daddy."

"You remember the stoplight system we talked about, right? Green for go. Yellow for slow down and check in, and red to stop everything immediately."

"Yes, Daddy." It was the third time he'd gone over it, and while I appreciated the extra care and concern, my heart was already beating like a jackhammer, and I really wanted him to just start already so we could get it over with.

Be careful what you wish for. The energy in the club must have rejuvenated his inner Daddy, because the first swat with his hand was harder than any he'd given me before. It startled me and took my breath away.

I had a brief moment of panic, straining against the cuffs, and Bain was instantly crouched beside me, his hand on my lower back, whispering in my ear while he forced me to meet his gaze.

"Jazz, you okay?"

I drew a deep breath and looked at his calm and steady face.

"Green, yellow, red?" he asked. "We can stop at any time. The important thing is we tried. I know how hard it was for you to come here tonight."

I looked straight at him and waited a bit, considering. Yes, this was hard. Yes, it sucked. Yes, I was scared, but I could do it and I was okay. And if I did make it all the way through, I knew Bain would understand and acknowledge what an accomplishment that was for me.

"Yellow." I drew in a series of fortifying breaths and went over all my fears in my head one more time, circumventing them with Bain's copious assurances. "Green."

He didn't take me at my word, not at first, and eyeballed me shrewdly before giving a decisive nod and rising to his feet, his hand still steady on my lower back.

"Okay baby girl, we're gonna start again. You were naughty and broke some rules and we agreed that this was where and how you would be punished. The broken rules were minor ones, so this won't be a particularly long or harsh punishment. I need you to remember to breathe, and remember the stoplight system."

"Okay. Got it. Get on with it please." Sass. Nerves. Death Wish. Call it what you want; it had the desired effect. Bain stopped talking and started spanking.

"Oh, sassy little girl,” he said as his hand cracked across my ass. "Telling me what to do and when to start when I'm simply trying to make sure you are okay. Sounds like topping from the bottom. Are you topping from the bottom, little girl?"

As a control freak used to having to do everything on my own, I most certainly was, but I'd be damned if I was going to admit that to him. "I don't know what that means," I fibbed. It was pretty self-explanatory.

Bain didn't believe me for a second of that, I was certain, and he made his disbelief clear when he stepped between my spread legs and smacked my ass with twice as much force as before. "For someone who wants to get this over with, you certainly seem to be trying your damnedest to draw it out and add to it."

He was right, and I couldn't help it; my nerves were taking over and I was doing the only thing I could think of to do: use bratting and sass as a defense mechanism. But I knew enough about BDSM and power exchange to know that if I continued to do that, I wouldn't get what I needed out of this session. Clenching my hands into fists, I gritted my teeth together and spoke through them.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm nervous. I'll try to relax, and I'll try not to top from the bottom."

"Very well. And you'll remember to safeword if you need to?"

The wording was different but it was the same question I was already growing tired of, and it took everything in me not to tell him that.

"Bain, please," I whimpered instead.

It seemed to be enough. He bent down beside me and I could hear the clack of wood against plastic as he dug through his implement bag.

Finally he stood, and I craned my neck to see him holding what looked like a fancy leather stick with a floppy square of black leather on the end. A riding crop, like the kind you'd use on a horse. My chest tightened. I braced myself and concentrated on regulating my breathing.

"Jasmine," he said as he took his place behind me once more, "tell me what rules you broke."

"I slept through my alarm and I didn’t clean up or get my work hours."

The words had hardly touched my lips when the crop came down with a loud cracking noise against my sit spots. The pain was unique and not altogether unpleasant. I sucked in a breath and concentrated on the sting, picturing a square of pink forming beneath it.

"Why do we have rules, Jasmine?"

This was the hard part and I knew that was why he was asking. I thought back to our conversation that morning, and used the opportunity to show him that I had been listening. “The rules are there to help keep me on track, not to make me feel like a failure when one gets broken. The goal is to keep me motivated and accountable so it doesn't get to that hopeless point again.” I parroted his explanation back to him and was ‘rewarded’ with a stroke of the crop against my sit spots.

“Very good, little one. Now, can you tell me what rule we added today?”

I closed my eyes and relaxed my shoulders, trying to welcome the correction he was bringing. Bain had proven himself a very good Daddy, only adding rules when he needed to, and always making sure they were ones that were reasonably follow-able, but the newest one would be hard, and I had a feeling that it held a greater weight than some of the others. “No knee-jerk quitting every time something doesn't go my way or every time I earn a punishment.”
