Page 40 of Daddy's Direction

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Again, I didn’t put a ton of force behind the swat, but it was definitely more than before. I started in the center of her ass and moved downward in small increments. The last two landed on her sit spots, exactly where I wanted them. She wiggled and squirmed, but continued to muffle her cries. When the last line was delivered I rubbed my hand over the tiny red welts that had formed. She wiggled away from my touch, but I stilled her with a hand on her lower back.

I knew the rubbing would draw out the sting. Having my hands on her ass also was not a hardship in any form. I felt my cock hardening even further, and adjusted my pants before I let her up.

“Looks like you’re no worse for the wear. Your spanking is all done.”

She lifted her head and I was surprised to see the short correction had made her cry.

“Thank you for spanking me, Daddy. I’m sorry for not just asking for help. Thank you for everything you did today.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll be back tomorrow to do it again.”

I made sure my tone brooked no argument as I helped her up and pulled her close for a comforting hug. She pulled away, looking up at me with wide eyes full of questions. I could see her brain working up a protest, but I shook my head and it died on her lips.

Checking my watch, I showed it to her. “It’s just a little past your bedtime, but I think we can let it slide just this once.” I pulled back the covers and helped her into bed.

She climbed in without argument, but her hopeful expression just about broke my heart. “I’ll go to bed, Daddy, but could you stay and cuddle me for just a few minutes? I’m not ready to be alone.”

Truth be told, I wasn’t ready to leave her alone. I didn’t want to leave tonight, or at all. Sometime between the soccer game and dinner I’d fallen, not only for Jasmine, but for her life, and her family. I’d had to remind myself several times that I was there to help a friend and do a job, not fall into a ready-made family with someone who was still very much in love with her dead husband.

That had been easy enough to do during the day, but tonight, with the day behind us, a glass of wine in my system, her wide eyes begging me to stay, and the memory of spanking her etched in my mind, I was a much weaker man.

“I can stay for a bit,” I conceded, toeing off my shoes and stepping out of my jeans so I’d be comfortable before yanking down the cover on the opposite side of the bed. I climbed in beside her to spoon her body against mine.

“Thank you.”

Her soft voice thanking me as she pressed her still-warm bottom against my groin sent shivers down my spine. What would it sound like to have her begging for me to fuck her, begging for my cock, begging for me to let her come?

Fuck me.

I adjusted my pants again as discreetly as I could. I didn’t want her to know what she was doing to me, but I had a good feeling she already did. Without any provocation or invitation, she squirmed under my arm and snuggled tightly against me.

It should have felt awkward, laying in her bed, still fully clothed, with her kids asleep down the hall, but it didn't. It felt normal and natural and right.

Yeah, I was fucked.

Chapter Eleven


I sat on the couch with Marcus snuggled against me watching a show while I checked emails on my phone, and Jasmine sat at the kitchen table clicking away at her laptop, hard at work on her most recent assignment. In the last two weeks, we’d settled into a nice rhythm, and Marky and I had become fast friends. I wasn’t gonna tell Jasmine this, but I’d grown rather attached to the little guy, and his siblings. I could see their mother and their father in all three of them, and their cuteness melted my heart. It was sometimes a fine line between just being there and acting as her back-up so she could follow her rules and get her work done, and wanting to swoop in with my Daddy tendencies and bags of money and fix every problem she had, but I was managing. Most of the time.

Jasmine’s phone rang, and I looked up as she answered.

“You’re back?” Jasmine’s voice rose a decibel, and I couldn’t help but jerk my head at her reaction. “Already? Tonight? Are you sure? Don’t you need to rest?”

My brow furrowed as I listened to half a conversation, trying to imagine who was on the other line.

“Okay, if you’re sure. They missed you, too. Tonight at five. Sounds good.”

She hung up and sat, staring into space for a moment. Easing an almost-asleep Marky off my lap and settling him against the arm of the couch, I stood and crossed the room.

“Is everything okay?” It had sounded like good news, not bad, but her concerned look when she hung up threw me for a loop. Taking her hands, I helped her to her feet and circled my arms around her waist.

She did the same, gripping my hips with her small hands.

“Gia’s home. She wants to take the kids tonight.” Her lips turned down at the corners into a frown.

“That’s great news. Why is your face saying otherwise?”
