Page 41 of Daddy's Direction

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“Sorry. I just…it was unexpected. She says she got in late last night, slept most of the day, bought some groceries, and wants to see the kids tonight.”

“You could use a break and some time to yourself.”

“I just…I don’t even know what I would do with a night alone.”

Spend it with me. I thought it, but didn’t say it. Instead, I asked, “What do you want to do?” It was a Friday night, and the possibilities were endless. “You could see if Nyla is busy. You could get together with her and Chrissy and Taylor and have a girl’s night. You could have a nice relaxing night in by yourself, get a bottle of wine, indulge in a nice bubble bath with a good book…” My cock hardened just thinking about Jasmine’s naked body covered in soft bubbles.

She listened to all my suggestions, but didn’t jump on any of them. Instead, she pulled me closer. “I was thinking… I’d really like to do something to thank you for all you’ve done for me. You’ve truly gone above and beyond the scope of our arrangement, especially these past two weeks. Can I make you dinner?”

She’d been making me dinner most nights, or we’d been making dinner together, but this felt different. It was different. My heart grew in my chest. The sky opened. Birds sang. I wanted to run out and buy another lottery ticket, that’s how lucky I felt. Instead, I dipped my head and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “That sounds perfect.”

She beamed. “I’ll order grocery delivery. Could you come back around six?”

I raised my brow. “I’m here now.” While I mostly helped during the day, some nights I didn’t leave until after seven.

“I know, but…” she shrugged. “You’ve barely been home or to the office for weeks. I figure you might have things to do. And oh! What about your Friday night thing at the club?”

“It won’t kill me to miss one week.” I’d much rather be with her.

“Okay. If you’re sure. I wouldn’t want to keep you from anything important.”

“You won’t,” I promised. There was nowhere else I wanted to be, and nothing more important than dinner alone with her. "And I don't need to go home, but I will." I figured doing so would give me some time to pick up a nice bottle of wine and maybe some flowers. "Can I bring dessert?"

"That's probably a good idea. I won't have time and I'm not much of a baker."

"Cheesecake okay?"

"Anything is fine with me. I'll probably make some steaks and baked potatoes. Maybe a salad. Simple but classy."

"Just like you." She still blushed every time I complimented her. I tried to do it as often as possible.

"Stop." Her tone made it clear she didn’t care if I stopped or not, but I changed the subject anyway.

"Anything you want to do after dinner?"

She shrugged. "I'm sure we’ll think of something."

I could think of a million things I wanted to do with her, but I was pretty sure none of them were what she meant. Still, there was a suggestive lilt in her voice I didn't recognize. Pulling her closer, I whispered in her ear. "What are you thinking, baby girl? Don't keep secrets from Daddy."

I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but I was powerless to stop myself.

"Well, I was just…" She trailed off and looked over at Marky, who was asleep on the couch. "I was just thinking if we'd known Gia was coming back, we wouldn't have… during nap time yesterday." She blushed, leaving out the word she couldn't bring herself to speak as the image of her bent over the bed trying not to cry out as I took her to task with the blind rod rushed to the forefront of my brain.

"Maybe we wouldn't have," I agreed, "but you needed that spanking."

"I feel like I still do," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's been ages since…"

"Since we didn't have to worry about little ears waking up to loud noises, or their mama screaming? It's been a minute." I paused, thinking over the dilemma she'd presented. "You've been so good since, though. You know, there are other kinds of spankings."

"There are?" Her voice was a hushed whisper, but there was a definite interest in her tone.

"There are. Maybe you'd like a good girl spanking. After the past few weeks, you definitely deserve one."

The corners of her lips turned up in a shy, teasing smile as she pressed her body against mine. "Have I been a good girl…Daddy?"

I pretended to think about it. "Mmm. You definitely have. Mostly, anyway."

"Mostly?" Her eyebrows shot up, and she looked at me expectantly.
