Page 43 of Daddy's Direction

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Falling for Bain was too easy. It was also unbelievably stupid. Even if I managed to put aside the fact that I truly didn't want to jump back into the dating game while my kids were this young, I'd be fooling myself to think Bain would ever truly return feelings. Sure, he was a charmer who said all the right things at all the right times, and he seemed to truly enjoy my company and even my kids, but I wouldn't fit in his world and he wouldn't fit in mine. Not permanently. Not for real.

The best thing I could do for both of us would be to feign a headache and cut the evening short after dinner. My heart ached and my pussy screamed in protest, but my brain, working to protect those other parts, reigned supreme. The intimacy between us had to be dialed back. This had to be nothing more than what I'd originally intended it to be: a simple thank you dinner shared between two friends.

After spending several minutes in a mild freak out, I pulled myself together, washed my hands, damp from sweat and nerves, and began to put the salad together. I added tomato, green onions, grated cheese and avocado, and had just finished tossing it when Bain re-entered the kitchen, grabbing a plate from the cupboard. "I forgot how slow charcoal was. I hope you like your steaks on the rare side."

"Medium rare is better," I answered, frowning when my voice came out on a high-pitched squeak.

"I'll do my best." He leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before turning and disappearing out the way he'd came.

I was left standing in my kitchen with a pair of salad tongs in one hand, the other pressed against the spot on my cheek where his lips had just been, wondering what I'd gotten myself into.

"That was a fabulous dinner. My compliments to the chef." He set his silverware down on his plate and pushed it toward the center of the table.

I shook my head. "Complimenting yourself?" I teased. "You did most of the work."

He dismissed my comment with a shake of his head. "We make a good team."

Comments like that one made me ache deep inside, craving more than I could ever have with a man like Bain. The sweet, simple moments like this one made it so easy to forget the glaring differences between us, and to imagine a life where moments like this were the norm, where he fit into my world and I didn't worry about whether or not I fit into his.

Tamping down the desire I felt, I forced a smile. "Didn't you say you were bringing dessert?"

"It's in my car. My hands were full." He grinned sheepishly. "I'm not hungry for cheesecake quite yet." He didn't say he was hungry for anything else, but the innuendo was there. Or maybe I just wanted it to be.

"Cheesecake sounds pretty good to me right about now," I lied. I couldn't eat another bite, and if I tried I was likely to throw up. Maybe I should. At least it would be a guaranteed mood killer. "I can go get it," I offered, rising to my feet.

Bain also stood, grabbing my hands before I could grab our plates and make an excuse to get away from him for a moment.

"Let's save it for a bit later. I believe I promised you a good girl spanking, and it's been the only thing on my mind all day."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close until our bodies touched, my pussy pressed up against his groin. I could feel his growing erection through the fabric of his designer jeans and smell his aftershave and the mint on his breath, somehow undiminished by the dinner and wine we'd just shared.

His hands moved lower, gripping my bottom firmly, cupping my cheeks perfectly. A gasp of air left my body, escaping from my parted lips. "Oh! We don't…we don't need to do that."

"I think we do." His voice was a low seductive rumble in my ear, and before I could form anything resembling an argument, he'd lifted me off my feet, leaving me no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me down the hall to my bedroom.

Danger Will Robinson!

My brain went into overdrive trying to control me with a fight or flight response, but adrenaline and dopamine were already rushing through my body, at war with my sensibilities. I leaned against his chest as he carried me, drawing in his sweet manly scent.

When he got to my room, closing and locking the door behind us and setting me on my feet, I was powerless to stop what I knew was about to happen. When he lifted my dress over my head, leaving me standing in a pale pink lace bra and panty set, I could only shiver and wait for his command. His sweater came off, revealing toned pecs and taut pink nipples peeking out from the center of a tuft of salt-and-pepper chest hairs. And I swear to god, abs that were closer to a ten pack than a six. I knew I was a goner. It was the first time I’d seen Bain with his shirt off and been sober enough to enjoy it. His expensive loafers were ditched, but his jeans stayed on, and I bit my lip in disappointment, watching entranced as he climbed on my bed and settled himself in a sitting position, leaning against the headboard. He patted his knee. "Come, my little good girl."

My pussy spasmed and I all but leapt face down across his lap, my earlier concerns and resolutions long forgotten. I was Bain's little good girl and I wanted every reward I had coming. His hands were like a rough silk as they roamed across my bottom, mostly exposed by the cheeky panties I was wearing.

"These need to come off." He spoke in a low growl, and was sliding the lace fabric over my bottom and thighs and down my legs before I could even think.

The cool air from the ceiling fan above hit my bottom and the exposed v between my legs, and I sucked in a breath. A shiver ran down my spine and I knew it had nothing to do with the burst of cool air against my already flushed skin as Bain stroked my bottom with his open palm. "Daddy's little good girl," he murmured. "Are you ready for your reward?"

I was and wasn't. Everything in my brain screamed at me to pump the breaks and stop this madness before I ended up hurt, alone, and nursing a broken heart yet again, but my body was all green lights, primed for his touch.

"Yes, Daddy." The answer fell from my lips of its own accord, my brain no longer connecting to my mouth.


I felt bereft as he lifted his hand from the spot he had been stroking. When he brought it down with a smack that seemed to leave a soft and delicious sting that ricocheted from my bottom straight to my pussy, a warm buzz of desire rose up within me just as his hand fell again on the other cheek with the same effect. My toes curled, and I stretched my body taut, imagining I was lying on a beach in the warm sun. That was what this spanking felt like. Actual heaven on earth. "How does that feel?" Bain asked in a low whisper, his own voice not masking his obvious arousal. Not that he needed to. I could feel it pressing into my stomach. "Mmm. Good, Daddy." I hummed. It felt like I was floating over myself, watching the scene from outside my body. He smacked me again and I relished the pain, pushing my bottom to meet his hand, and parting my legs to relieve the ache between them.

The stinging smacks came perfectly timed, each falling just as I caught my breath from the one before it, each causing an explosion of delicious sting across my bottom that seemed to bloom outward and spread to my insides.

"Oh. Ah!" I gasped as his fingers smacked against the curve between my bottom and thighs. It was usually the worst part of a spanking, but this was the most deliciously illicit, teasing my pussy, leaving it weeping for his touch.
