Page 43 of The Wildflower

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Damn him.

Even if I don’t want to be, I'm turned on.

The forest grows quiet, and I slow further. My gut instinct tells me to stop. I don't trust it. It's too quiet. There’s not even a stir of underbrush around me.

I stop running and suck air into my lungs like I’m dying. There's a stitch in my side, and nausea sifts through me like sand in an hourglass. Up feels like down, and down feels like up. I can’t comprehend what’s going on, not until a pair of strong arms circle my waist and lift me off my feet in one move. I’m suspended in the air for half a second before I’m tossed over his shoulder.

A squeak escapes my lips, and I kick out my legs while clawing at him the best I can, the neck of the glass bottle still in my hand. "Let me go!"

"Why would I do that? You ran, I chased, and caught you. Now I get to do whatever I want to you.”

A scream climbs out of my throat and pierces the air.

“Fuck, yes. Scream for me, Bel. You know how much I love it.”


“I’m not screaming for you, idiot. I’m screaming at you. Now, let me go.” I kick at him, and I could scream thanks to the lord when my foot connects with his knee. He grunts and tumbles to the ground, bringing me down with him.

We land all as one, and he rolls at the last minute to keep my body on top, caring enough not to crush me with his hulking frame. He’s first to recover. His rough hands circle my wrists, trapping me. I struggle against him even while knowing I won’t be able to break free.

I hate that my nipples are as hard as diamonds, and that I’m dripping with need, but I still fight against the desire. I can’t let him break me. Not again.

"I have no problem pinning you to the ground and fucking you senseless right now, so if you want to continue to fight, then that’s what’s going to happen. I’ve tried to be patient, but I’m past the point of no return. I don’t give a fuck anymore. I’ll be the bad guy if you need me to be. You can fight me, beg me to stop, tell me you don’t want it, but deep down, I know you do, and I know that while your pussy strangles my cock, begging for me to fill it with my cum, all you’re doing is lying to both of us.”

“Let me up,” I growl.

The pressure on my chest is suffocating. I can feel the bottle top tucked between my thumb and forefinger. The glass is sharp enough to cut my skin, and I tighten my hold on it.

He has to let me go, or I might lose my shit.

The feeling of him…

The taste of his lips…

His scent…

It’s all too much.

The hard planes of his body pressing against mine feel so good, too good.

“Please… just let me go.” I plead.

The pressure on my chest lifts when he shifts his weight off me. My traitorous body chooses to betray me, and the whisper of a whimper slips past my parted lips when my thighs brush the length of his erection.

He’s still holding on to me, though his grasp is lax now. In an instant, I can hear his voice in my head, the sinister words he spoke right before he crushed my heart in his hands.

I’ll find another tight cunt to keep my cock warm. That’s all you ever were to me anyway, a nice, warm hole to fuck.

“Come on, Bel. Are you going to let me in, or do I have to take it from you?”

There’s a coldness in his voice, but that’s not the effect it has on me. It warms me up all over, and I know the harder I fight, the harder he’ll fuck me.

More memories rip through me.

It’s time for you to leave. Now, you can take the trash out yourself, or I can take you out. You are nothing to me and never were. Nothing more than a warm hole to sink into every once in a while.

“I’ll fuck you into submission if I have to, so don’t tempt me because you know damn well I’ll do it.”
