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Ginger Snaps


“Life is but a dream...”

My naked body sways and giggles to the music as I continue to dance and sing along. As I continue rummaging through my drawers and closet, I toss the rejected choices, sending chunks of fabric flying this way and that.

Do I look ridiculous?


Is my singing off-key?

Most likely.

Do I give any fucks?

Not. A. One.

I am in far too good of a mood to let anything damper it at this point. I want him naked and under me so fucking badly while I ride him straight into oblivion. His or mine, it really doesn’t matter. If things go well, both of us.

So whose brains am I planning to fuck right out of their delicious little skull?

Alexander Theobald Maximillian III

Otherwise known as Teddy, my sweet and overly devoted boyfriend of six months now.

So why am I craving him so badly now, you ask?

Well, the answer is quite infuriatingly simple. See, I have never actually had Teddy under me. Or on top of me. Or from the side.

What I am getting to here is that I have never had Teddy’s cock pounding me like an eight-hundred-pound gorilla beating his chest.

I know. You’re thinking, “Six months with no sex? Ginger, how can you handle it?!”

The answer is very simple. Two words.

Rechargeable. Batteries.

All jokes aside, I adore Teddy. If I didn’t, I certainly wouldn’t have been ok with getting so much use out of my special wand and my favorite little rose. So yes, adore is a good word. I wouldn’t say we are in the big ‘L’ word zone yet, but I could see it happening with him.



Fuck, I don’t know. What I do know is that I won’t be any closer to feeling such things if we don’t have sex tonight.

And I don’t want to hear any of that shit about how sex shouldn’t determine your feelings. If you aren’t sexually compatible, then there is no way you would commit to a relationship with them. Not a monogamous one anyway. Which is exactly what I want.

Nothing against anyone else’s lifestyle choices; I just know what I want. What I need. Because deep down... I am that crazy possessive female that will bite a bitch for even checking out her man. I need him to be mine. Only mine.

So, I have the scene all set. Lace and silks against a nice waxed surface. I even paid extra for them to go right down my ass crack with that hot wax.


Don’t look at me like that. I want everything ready to go. And if Teddy decides to take things in another direction, I want the invitation to be crystal clear here. My orifices are all open for business baby!

So now that all my prep work is done and my lingerie set is all picked out. I am trying to find the dress I had planned to wear to dinner tonight. It paints a perfectly sweet picture to contrast all the raw sex appeal underneath. Even my crotchless panties leave no room for questioning the fact that I need some serious Teddy dicking. Whether that happens in the restaurant, in the parking lot, or back at my place... well, you get the idea. I’m not picky, I just need to get fucked. Hard. Preferably many times.
