Page 2 of Exsanguination

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The best part of it all is the timing. Today is my favorite day of the year. I fucking love Samhain!

And not just because I’m a witch, don’t be so stereotypical, geez. You see, Samhain night is when all witch magick is at its peak. The best part about that is, with it being so strong, I don’t have to snap to do any spells.

Yeah, yeah. I hear you laughing. I don’t wave a wand or wiggle my nose to work my magick. The witches of my coven snap our fingers.

Yes, I’m aware of how goofy that sounds and probably looks.

Yes, it has opened the door to an utterly stupid fucking nickname that my coven has used since my name day.

The joke’s on them though, because at least I’m powerful enough that I get one night off from the snaps. The majority of them are not that lucky. So if they need to soothe that hurt by calling me Ginger Snaps, well then they can have it.

The only downside to having all this extra power today is making sure to keep my emotions in check because my magick tends to run a little wild when it’s more free-range.

But on the flip side of that… sex with untethered magick can be incredibly fun for both parties. Hence the reason I am insatiably horny and planning to thoroughly seduce my bear of a boyfriend. No seriously. He’s a bear shifter. Named Teddy.

Oh, come on. Even I laughed at that one.

I pull the next hanger out of my closet and do a little jump. I instantly regret the choice. Seriously ladies. Don’t jump around while the girls are roaming free. You’re bound to get a black eye.

Ignoring the poor ache in my left titty from the jump disaster, I shimmy my ass into the dark purple crotchless thong. Hoist the girls into place in the silky matching purple bra. And slide my legs into the... yes, you guessed it. Matching purple lace thigh-highs. I follow the ensemble up with a black floral mint green dress and black booties.

With the perfect outfit in place, I apply a small touch of makeup to compliment the look, before running some mousse through my wild as fuck red curls. With that finished I take a few moments to admire it all together in the mirror. You know, sometimes you have a vision for an outfit, and this time, it all just translated perfectly.

With more confidence than I have possessed in a long time, I snatch my purse and swagger my fine self right out the front door. Determination in every step and sexual prowess leaking from every pore.

So what is my plan?

That’s easy.

Surprise Teddy as he gets off work with a romantic dinner.

The harder part?

Convincing Teddy, and myself, that I am a far better choice of dessert.

Especially if Formaggio’s has the cannoli special. My mouth waters a little at the thought of my favorite sweet treat.

Right, new plan.

Dinner and dessert, then sex.

WTF Teddy?


The face of Primal Orthodontics is pleasantly smiling and always welcoming.

That face belongs to my beloved Teddy. With his bulging biceps straining against the polyester blend top of his scrubs and the equally unforgivingly tight pants that hug his ass in the most scrumptious way. Before seeing Teddy in scrubs, I never would have considered the uniform sexy. But hot damn does that man make it look good.

I push open the glass doors, only to come up short when Jean is sitting at Teddy’s receptionist desk.

Now unlike Teddy, Jean is as pleasant as having a swarm of fire ants trapped in rubber panties. She is an old widowed shifter who rocks a professional-grade resting bitch face. I walk up to the desk with a smile, but the old shifter woman is a bitter sort and her returning smile always looks more like a sneer. Well, this should be a fun time.

“Hi there, Jean. Did Teddy get off early today?” If there is one thing my boyfriend enjoys, it’s a schedule. He doesn’t usually take off early, and he is never late. Since he is a shifter, he never gets sick and he doesn’t ever use his vacation days either. So his absence is a bit odd.

Jean rolls her eyes at me like I’m an utter fucking moron, and I have to hold my hand back from snapping her into one of the dog kennels at the veterinarian’s office next door. Oh, shit. No snaps needed today. Quick! Think happy thoughts, Ginger!

Suddenly the kid in the waiting room squeals in delight as a lolipop appears in his hand. When I catch his mother glowering at me, I mouth a quick apology. It’s better to have an irritated mom with a sugar-high kiddo, than to have to calm down a feral pissed-off coyote shifter when she pops into a dog’s kennel.
