Page 27 of Exsanguination

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So our only lead on the kidnapped paras is now fish food. Great.

“Maybe you could have found out where your people were before ripping her to pieces?”

He groans and runs his hands down his face. “I tried. But when I pressed, she made it quite clear that she would not be sharing any information with me.”

Damn. I was afraid of that.

“So you have no idea at all who she was working with or where they took your people?”

Victor looks utterly dejected. “All I know is that the one calling shots over Fish Food is her sister. But that could be literal or a nickname.”

“Yeah, that’s not a lot to go on,” Victor yells into nothing and slams his fists, followed by his head, against my bedroom wall. I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

“It’s ok. We will figure this out.”

Victor growls and whispers something low that I can’t make out. “Hey, Victor. Talk to me. Please?”

He turns around in my arms and wraps his around me. Fear flirts with his eyes when he looks at me. “They want you.”

My spine goes stiff and my legs feel weak. Victor was tortured. A girl was killed. His people are who the fuck knows where enduring who the fuck knows what. All because of me?

What the fuck did I do?

Who is so angry they would go after the people I care about?

Granted that list was considerably small since my father died and mom would much rather pretend I didn’t exist. It’s probably been three years since we’ve spoken at this point. My coven could give two shits about me, and they usually alienate the fuck out of me when I do try to show up.

So it would make sense that if someone was going after me, then my lover—since they have no idea he is my mate—would be the perfect target. Well him and my best…

Oh fuck!


I push away from a confused Victor as I scramble for my phone. Where is it?! Why can I never find this fucking thing when I need it?!

I must have been mumbling out loud because Victor begins helping me search. He jumps back and I see him reach under the bed. Pulling out the little metal rectangle. I snatch it from his hands and begin screaming at it for not taking my fingerprint faster.

When the damn screen finally grants me entry, I quickly pull up Lexi’s contact profile and hit the call button.

When you are panicked and trying to reach someone, that stupid fucking ringing sound is like nails on a chalkboard. The disgusting noise continues before Lexi’s grumpy voice rings out on the other end.

“Oh my Gods, Lexi! I was so scared. I—”

“Yeah, this is my voicemail thing. Leave a message. I might check it. I might not. Probably best to text. Later.”

I pull the phone from my face and press the end button. My heart racing, I try again. And again. Seven calls and no answer.

When I go to call again, Victor pulls the phone from my shaking hand. Before I can say a word, he presses his fingers to his lips. I stay silent but hear nothing.

A few seconds pass by as we remain silent and still.

When my patience reaches its apex, I open my mouth, and the scent hits me.

Leather and Blood.

Not wasting time on this whole chivalry bullshit, I race out of the bedroom. There is no one in my tiny living room, but once I step around the couch I see someone has left me a piece of art.

Pictures of me. There has to be a hundred of them. But they aren’t just me in those pictures, oh no. In every single one, I am right in the middle of fucking or being fucked. They go all the way back to the moment I lost my virginity in high school. They span across the years with the most recent being taken last night in the hallway with Victor.
