Page 33 of Finding Teagan

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"I didn't want him as a brother-in-law! Can you imagine him as the uncle to our children, Daddy? Can you see our kids running around their Uncle Sleazy? All the Cheetos fingerprints on his pristine suits?" Ro pleaded her case to Octavius.

"Brother-in-law? God. No. I don't want that man anywhere near us or our children," Octavius agreed.

"See! I knew you'd understand." Ro's triumphant smile was short worn.

"What I understand is that my wife's sister is being abused, and instead of coming to me, to us, whose jobs are professional security, to help keep her safe, the three of you decided to come up with your own scheme and put all three of you at risk. Do I allow my little girl to put herself at risk, sunshine?" Octavius walked over to standing directly in front of Ro, lifted her chin, and searched her face.

"No, Daddy."

"If we are done here, I'd like to take Ro home and continue our conversation there. We will need to get together in the morning and come up with a better plan to help Evie."

"I don't want her alone with him until then," Jason said.

"That's not possible," Luca said.

"The hell it isn't! I'll go pick her up myself, right now," Jason answered.

"No, Jason. You know better. You'll put her at further risk. We need an operational plan. Not someone going off halfcocked. It's what's best for Evie. You will wait." It was the same tone of voice Luca had used on her at the house. The no argument tone. But, unlike Teagan, Jason didn't stop.

"Wait for her to get the shit beat out of her again? Fuck that." Jason turned to leave the room.

"Stop right there, Petty Officer," Luca ordered.

Jason stopped, tension evident in every muscle of his body.

"What time tomorrow?" Jason asked through gritted teeth.

"0800," Octavius said.

"Fine. But we had better come up with something quickly. I won't just sit by and let him hurt her, Luca."

"I hear you, Jason. We will figure this out, together. You have my word."

Jason simply nodded before leaving the room.

Octavius turned and motioned Ro to him. "Come on, sunshine, we are taking our leave as well."

"Don't be too hard on her, Luca. She's never been spanked before," Ro said, following quickly behind Octavius.

"Ro!" Teagan said for the umpteenth time that night, a blush spreading across her face.

"It is not, however, your first time getting a spanking, now is it, sunshine?" Octavius took her hand and pulled her out of the room.
