Page 106 of The Pain We Nurture

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There was a pregnant pause.

“I will never tell you. That is something you can trust,” she stared at him in a blatant challenge, unmoving. Her eyebrow arched.

They stared at each other for a few heartbeats of time, their battle of wills vicious. Over it, she got up off her knees slowly, throwing down her towel before walking past him. Irritated with her lack of response, he grabbed her arm roughly, leaning into her ear.

She arched her neck away and growled low in her throat. He tightened his fingers and growled back, baring his teeth.

“Little girl, I could eat you up and spit you out for breakfast and keep going throughout my day like nothing happened. Do not mistake indulgence for weakness. I will take us there when I am ready and not a minute before. Do you understand me?”

Olivia tensed, her eyes slowly meeting his. Her breathing came out low, and labored. She stayed silent.

“I will not be manipulated; I will not be had. You need to learn to ask me for what you need. To trust me to give it to you,” he put a finger to her temple. “I have been exceedingly patient with you. But if you don’t figure this mental shit out soon, fuck a therapist," Colin's voice came out harsh.

Olivia's neck craned back as he leaned forward into her face, his eyes flashed dangerously, and his nostrils flared slightly as he fought against every instinct inside of him telling him to lash out at her.

"I will reach inside your brain my damn self and yank it out, and I can almost guarantee you won’t like the method I use. That is a promise, mama. Now, I’m going to give you one. More. Chance,” they stared at each other for several heartbeats, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room.

He sucked in a sharp breath of air as she suddenly leaned forward an inch from his face, her eyes pierced his like a knife in his gut.

“I’d like to see you try. You’re not getting in anywhere I don’t want you,” she said, her green eyes going hard as she met his deadly stare with one of her own.

Colin dropped the belt, hearing it hit the gym floor. He moved lightning fast and grabbed her by the hair, snatching her to his front. Olivia’s face winced with pain, and she closed her eyes briefly before opening them, the green in her eyes turning dark and stormy.

He pushed her backwards, crowding her into the small two-person sauna he had in the corner of the gym, ignoring her pushing against him.

“Colin, I don’t want to be in here!” Olivia bit out angrily as he slammed the door behind them. The room began steaming up. He knew she didn’t like to be hot.

“You had better be glad we need this skin pretty for the gala in a few days because otherwise I’d fuck you up right now, little girl. What. Is. My. Name?” Colin growled down into her face. He pressed her into the wall with a hand against her breast, his body temperature rising.

“Sir! It’s sir!” Olivia gasped, pushing against his chest. She turned her head trying to evade him but he snatched her back to him by her hair. Their breaths sounded harshly between them as they fought against each other mentally. Each one vying for control of the other.

Colin's mouth came down in a crushing blow onto hers and she retaliated, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. He snarled, kissing her back just as hard. Their kiss was messy, their teeth clashed together as they both struggled to hurt the other. She moaned as he took her tongue between his teeth and bit painfully.

Colin stopped, feeling a key slid into a lock. He pulled away slowly, looking at her quizzically. She was panting, still struggling against his hold.

“Olivia,” he said, his brows furrowed. No way. We can’t be this lucky, he thought.

“Olivia, look at me,” he snapped. She stopped struggling and met his eyes. “Baby are you a masochist?” he whispered, his jaw ticking.

Her nose scrunched. “What?” she said, her features pinched tight, and her lip curled, she was seemingly offended.

“You heard me. Answer the question.”

“No. No. I can’t be. That doesn’t make sense, because…” she cut herself off, her eyes widening.

Colin tilted his head. “Because why?”

Olivia paused. “Because it doesn’t make sense,” she said slowly, almost like a question.

“Honey, I don’t think you want to work yourself to the bone to be tired, I think you like pain. I’ve been seeing the signs but not connecting the dots,” he mused. “You get wet when I spank you, when I give you pain it turns you on. Everything you do is challenging me to hurt you, and when I don’t, you get restless. I’ve been noticing, hell even MARY has been noticing something is off. Just now, the look in your eyes when you saw my belt, the way you’re violently kissing me. You like it.”

"No. I can’t be like those people,” Olivia whispered, her eyes looking far away for a second.

Colin furrowed his brows in confusion, tilting his head. “What do you mean, like what people?”

“People who get off on pain, that’s…not what nice people do. It’s a sickness,” she swallowed, her eyes flickering back and forth between his.

“Baby, it’s just a sexual kink. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person,” Colin said, his hand loosening in her hair. He caught the look of disappointment in her eyes before he tightened back up watching her nipples harden even more.
