Page 112 of The Pain We Nurture

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“You and my sister are so fucking stupid. You don’t listen to anything I say,” she hissed, taking her glass and throwing it in his direction. He didn’t even move. The glass hit close to his arm and bounced off the back of the seat, clanking dully against the leather and rolled off, bouncing on the floor.

Colin stared at her silently. His lack of reaction scared her. He wouldn’t let her distract him. “I am this motherfucking close…” he whispered, holding his thumb and finger together, showing her his patience was beyond thin. It was almost nonexistent.

Olivia’s eyes narrowed.

“No. He’s never...” she said simply, bending down to pick up the glass before placing it in a holder and rubbing her hand, still stinging from the slap she’d given the judge.

“You had better be careful trying to fuck with me. I won’t be manipulated by you. You will finish every goddamn sentence I let you speak from here on out,” Colin growled, leaning forward to hold her stare with his. His chest was tight, his entire body was tense.

Olivia knew he was serious. She couldn’t half ass with him, couldn’t manipulate him, he wouldn’t allow her to treat him like her former clients. He was not weak. She trembled under his stare, feeling as weak as she wanted to make him feel.

“NOW! He’s never what, Olivia? Finish the sentence and USE YOUR WORDS,” he shouted at her, making her jump back in her seat. Shaking, she drew her legs up in her seat, pressing her hands into the leather and pushing. Trying to slink away from him.

“He’s never touched me, never f-f-fucked me,” Olivia panted in her seat, her eyes were wide with shock, she pressed her back harder against the leather, shaking her head hard. “I promise baby, I p-promise. I promise I’m not lying. I never let anyone touch me. I never let any of them see me naked. I swear, I swear it on Allison’s life,” she cried out, pressing her fingers to her throat, a sob escaping her as she stared at him, trembling.

Something flashed across his face in a pained expression before he sat back and waited several minutes before saying. “I’m proud of you. It took everything in me to not rip his motherfucking face off,” he said, his voice softening. Her eyes turned to his in renewed shock as he checked his watch. They were almost home. His gaze stayed on hers, searing her with his intensity.

She met his stare back silently.

Make me forget him, please. Make me forget I ever had to lose myself to those people, make me lose myself to you instead. Like you said, like you said I could, she pleaded at him with her eyes, but her mouth refused to follow her command to speak the words to him.

She’d already revealed enough.

Her body burned with desire and warred with itself, as she inwardly searched for that familiar box, making sure the lid was on tight. Finding a temporary comfort with the pain of the past taunting her.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when the limo slowed and came to a stop. But that relief was short-lived when he got out and held his hand out to help her out of the vehicle.

Olivia paused unmoving, looking up at him and contemplated staying in the limousine, the look on his face terrifying her. She slapped his hand away and squealed when he reached in and yanked her out roughly by her left arm before leading her to the front door and unlocking it.

Colin grunted, shoving her through the front door before closing it. His slight noise made her heart skip a beat.

She staggered to the foyer table on her heels, pressing her free hand against her stomach, gasping and trying to still the trembling.

Colin moved, his hand gripping hers as he took her clutch and tossed it on the foyer table before walking her back up against the glass door. He stared down into her face, breathing hard, and she knew his control was getting close to shattering. Her own chest was rising and falling rapidly with her pants; she pressed harder against the door.

Desperate whines escaped her throat through her ragged breathing.

“How many? How many men were there?” he suddenly whispered. His lips close to hers.

Olivia’s heart beat almost unbearably loud in her ears. Her eyes flickered back and forth between his, and her lips trembled as she parted them to attempt to take a deep breath to calm herself. However, there seemed to be no air to suck in. All the oxygen was gone.

“Six,” she bit out, feeling her heart crack. She didn’t want this man to know the nasty parts of her. Closing her eyes against his she continued speaking.

“Colin, I don’t want you to know that part of m-me,” she said, her tongue feeling twice its size, struggling to get the words out.

Not speaking, he slowly squatted and grasped the hem of her dress in his hand, standing up slowly and dragging it up her legs as he went. Overwhelmed and grown tired of his intensity, she reached forward and pushed him away from her, crying out in surprise as his hand flew up and lightly slapped her in her mouth.

Her lips quivered as she met his stare, feeling her eyes welling with shocked tears.

“Don’t look so shocked, that’s on page two,” he said, spice in his voice.

Her lips quivered as she met his stare, feeling her eyes welling with shocked tears.

They stared at each other for half a heartbeat before Olivia inhaled raggedly as she realized that the slight pop turned her on. But then she was incredibly confused by the emotion. She opened her mouth and narrowed her eyes in anger, wanting to retaliate out of habit. She stepped forward, her green eyes furious. Her lithe arms reaching out for his face.

“You fucking bast-“ Colin reached out and grabbed her across the bottom of her face, squishing her lips together in his harsh grip. She growled like a cat, fighting his advances. Her blows fell off his hard arms as he yanked her by her face to him. Glaring down at her harshly.

“You’re not allowed to SPEAK, amor,” he gritted down into her face, his eyes flashing dangerously, his jaw was tight with restraint. He crowded her hard against the door. “You may only speak when I ask you a question. You don’t want me to know that part of you? You don’t want to tell me what it is because you think it’s too dirty? Too shameful?” his eyebrow arched as he looked down at her, his own face flushing.
