Page 113 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia whimpered, grasping his wrist and tugging.

“Too. Fucking. Bad,” Colin slightly banged her head against the glass with every word, his hand pressed tight against her lips. Olivia heard the dull thud of her head hitting the glass and whimpered, the actions driving the words even deeper into her brain.

“I’m working my way in sweetheart, and you’re going to let me,” he began to shrug out of his jacket, his hand still on her face. He dropped his jacket with a thud and yanked off his tie as he spoke to her harshly. His elegant voice became gritty with it's own emotion.

“I don’t want you clean. But I’ll spend the rest of forever cleaning you up if that’s what is required. You think I’m fucking scared of you? I’m a grown ass man, sweetness. You and your little bullshit side hustle do not intimidate me. You do, however, piss me the fuck OFF,” he snarled at her, his chocolate eyes melted slightly as he regarded her face.

Oh my god, her blood sung with excitement at his words. Yes, she thought, almost sagging with relief. He’s going to make me lose myself in him.

Colin dipped again, grasping her behind both her legs and lifted her into his arms. Olivia placed her arms around his neck and leaned back away from him, refusing him out of a sudden bid for feminine propriety, recoiling from his harsh embrace. He shook her suddenly, forcing her to look at him.

“Wrap your legs around me, Olivia. Do it the first time I tell you to, or I will drag you up the stairs by your hair. Do we understand each other?” he said threateningly.

Olivia whimpered as she flinched under his harsh administration. Her brow furrowed when she felt herself throbbing excitedly at the thought of his hands tugging at her hair. And in that moment, his words about being turned on by pain came to the forefront of her mind.

He was fucking right. I’m a masochist, she thought, blinking slowly as the lock clicked and turned for her now.

Colin’s fingers bit painfully into the back of her thighs as she willingly complied. He carried her up the stairs fluidly, her weight of no consequence to him. When he got to the top step, he stopped.

She glanced at him nervously, staring into his eyes. Her own widening slightly at what she found there in his depths.

Anger. He was so angry. Olivia paled, whimpering at the unfamiliar expression on his face. Was he angry with her? Because she wouldn’t tell him all of her secrets?

She struggled through short, panting breaths as he resumed walking them to the bedroom. She struggled, expecting him to throw her on the bed, but he just veered left and into their closet. Closing the door and locking them into the small space.

She backed up hastily as he put her down, rounding the island. He turned and typed in a code into the keypad at the door, and she heard the snick of the lock as it slid into place. Excited at him confining her, her heart banged inside her chest, echoing the sound.

They stared at each other for a long, tense moment.

“Take the emerald off,” he demanded.

Trembling, she reached up to unclasp the heavy necklace, stepping forward quickly to drop it gently on the island. She kicked her heels off before backing up once more. Her eyes bored into him, waiting. Her brain raced with too many thoughts at once. Mentally flicking through the agreement she signed in his office, trying to gauge how crazy it was about to get.

“Colin,” she whispered. “You were right, the other day in the sauna. I didn’t realize,” she blinked, feeling like she was having an out-of-body experience.

Colin inhaled sharply. His facial expression hardened until it looked like he was carved from stone. His chest visibly expanded. He loved fucking hearing he was correct about something, but nothing took the cake like his lover admitting her kink to him.

He nodded once.

Leaving Olivia with her inner turmoil, Colin turned his attention to his cuff links. Taking them off one by one and tossing them on the island along with his keys and his wallet. The careless tossing and the thudding of his personal effects on the marble top echoed loudly in her ears, pulling her back into the present moment.

He pulled out his phone and placed it down gently before sliding off his shirt and under shirt, revealing cords and slabs of hard muscle, tendons, tattoos and veins to her gaze.

Olivia watched silently as he then sat on a nearby bench to take off his shoes and dress socks, seemingly content to let her wait for him. Her blood rushed in her veins the more he revealed himself.

Colin was strong, muscular, and not the kind of muscle that one strives to get in the gym. He was built strong, and it was evident in his body, the thickness of his wrists and fingers, his chest and shoulder width.

Olivia’s heart beat heavily, almost drowning out any other sound.

Her skin was burning, her delicate flesh pebbled and sensitive, waiting for him to decide what to do with her. A hundred thoughts ran through her head; however, she didn’t need to wait long. He graced her with his gaze once more, his demeanor deceptively calm. She sparked when awareness hit her with the knowledge that she did know not to trust this Colin. He was wicked with territories uncharted, and the thought oddly comforted her because she truly did love a challenge.

“Is this page three?” she said so quietly she didn’t even know if he heard her.

Colin’s eyes flickered to hers and held hers for a beat too long. He suddenly spoke, his buttery smooth voice filling the room.

“No. Not page three. I’m going to fuck you hard, Olivia, because I need it, and you need it too,” his jaw ticked hard as he stepped closer, betraying his fading restraint. “I want to apologize in advance if the way I go about it makes you feel any kind of way. You’re going to get some pain tonight,” he said sternly, walking towards her now.

She whimpered, her toes digging into the soft carpet of the closet. The sheer intimidating energy rolling off of him made her quickly lose her nerve. Her hands went behind her back and clasped tightly. Her eyes flickered from him to the door as she debated her chances of getting out of there without his permission.
