Page 115 of The Pain We Nurture

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“No,” she bit out, clenching her teeth hard. He waited a few heartbeats as she came to the decision on her own, opening her mouth for him, gagging slightly and moaning as he poured some liquor in. She swallowed it, tears leaking down her face as he repeated the motion. She shot him a filthy stare.

“No chaser, huh? Didn’t you tell me that ladies use chasers?” Olivia taunted him, just not able to help herself. Her eyes flashing defiantly. He cocked an eyebrow at her as he set the bottle onto the shelf next to the top. A muscle twitching in his neck. She paled further as she realized he was settling them in the room and wasn’t meaning to He leaned into her space and breathed deeply.

Olivia shuddered as his energy assaulted her, dangerous and demanding, making her blood rush through her veins like liquid fire. He paused for several seconds, letting her know that he had complete control, and that if he wanted to saturate her senses, then he would.

“You're not a lady right now, you're my whore," he whispered into her ear.

Olivia gritted her teeth feeling her wetness flow out of her embarrassingly, slicking down her thighs.

Yes, your whore. Yes I am. All I ever want to be... she wailed miserably to herself.

"I thought you would have gotten that hint in the limo, when I alluded my dick would be your chaser. Keep up with me, baby,” he taunted back. "Every second we've spent together has been leading us to this moment. If I want to treat you like a princess, then I will. If I want to make you bend to my every fucking beck and call, my every need, then all you're required is to ask how much. If I want to give you everything just to strip it all away to watch you beg, then you will be happy begging me on your knees before me where you belong Olivia because you are MINE! You're not his. You're not theirs, you don't even belong to yourself any longer."

Olivia could barely contain her ragged breathing as he pressed so close the stubble of his beard grazed her cheek. Her breasts heaved, the tips of her nipples scraped his chest with every inhale.

"Everything you are is because I gift it to you. All the freedom you have had so far, all the tantrums you've thrown, all the fucking back talking, everything you have gotten away with is because I deemed it so because it made me happy to gift you those things."

Mind games were what got him off more than anything. That’s why his stare was so intense, as if he could see into the deepest recesses of your mind. Which is what he did, and he used it to his advantage.

If you can manage to crawl under someone's skin, you can control them more than you ever could physically because the body could only take so much.

But the mind was a strong heady thing.

Olivia’s eye's widened at his admission, and her breathing became harsher as the liquor settled and she broke out in a mist of sweat. She groaned as the burn ignited hotter deep down in her belly and she began to pant in earnest now. Colin reached into another spot within the cabinet and pulled out a tiny pair of scissors, snipping the straps on her gown. His fingertips brushed briefly against her skin, making goosebumps appear. Olivia shivered hard.

The silky gown caught on the tips of her nipples, which were rock hard. He’d stared at her again, a half-smile on his face.

“It pleases me greatly that you enjoy this,” he said, reaching forward and pulling the dress the rest of the way down with his fingertip. He placed his arms above her on the frame, leaning in. He ignored her trembling from standing on her toes for so long. She gasped as she lowered, desperate for relief, choking on the belt once more, and again flew back up on her toes.

“Are you going to fuck me like a good boy now?” she hissed through the tightness around her neck.

Colin tilted his head at her, a wicked smile breaking out across his face.

She moaned as he put his nose to her throat and inhaled, unbothered by her dilemma and her words.

“Oh baby, I think you’re sadly, sadly mistaken. I’m not the good boy hero in this story of ours. What book have you been reading? Whatever it is, it’s the wrong edition. I’m the fucking big bad wolf, mama. And I eat little girls like you for a snack,” he lowered his arms and, with a flick of his wrist, undid his pants and pulled his erection out.

The massive column drooped down slightly under its weight. Saliva filled her mouth instantly at the sight, and she attempted to swallow as she began to struggle anew. Colin caught her eye again as he reached above and grabbed a tie. He was determined to wait her out.

The beat of the music created a sensual atmosphere, the bass engulfing them both as he stepped into her and put the tie to her mouth. She jerked her head away, nervous.

“Colin, please,” she tried again, her eyes now imploring as he held the green fabric up to her mouth.

“Open. You’re done talking without permission,” he ordered, a muscle clenching in his jaw. She parted her lips on a defeated whimper, the fight gone from her body. Her legs shook hard, the feeling slipping from her toes. Her eyes flickered between his, her breath shooting out hot and fast from her nose. She was panicking.

He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"I cherish you," he whispered, letting his lips linger before pulling back to regard her once more.

Slipping the tie into her mouth, he secured it at the back of her head. A couple of tears slipped from her eyes as he stepped away, and she felt her ribs and belly contracting with every ragged inhale. She was terrified, and extremely turned on. So much so she could feel her wet panties rubbing uncomfortably between her legs.

Silently he reached into the drawer again and pulled out three more belts and her eyes widened as she heard them clink together as he worked to thread the together into one long makeshift belt. He tied the end off before holding it up to his shoulder and seeing how far down it fell to her hips.

He bent and slid her panties down and off her feet before straightening back up, holding them to his nose.

His eyes flashed at her as he inhaled her scent.

“Did he ever get a chance to smell you?” Colin whispered darkly, placing the little scrap of fabric against Olivia’s nose. Her scent infiltrated the space between them, and she whimpered, shaking her head no. More tears leaked out, falling into the tie around her face. She relented. Relaxing her calves, her heels coming to the floor, needing to relieve her straining muscles. She held her breath, wiggling her toes and bending her calf back to stretch it.
