Page 120 of The Pain We Nurture

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Where are you, are you ok baby? You ran out before we had a chance to really connect this morning. -C

You could’ve just tracked my phone. -O

Olivia… I give you your privacy. The tracker is only there for emergencies. -C

I’m fine. Just out, will be out for a while. -O

Are the stores crazy? -C

Olivia debated her answer to that, realizing that she was at the diner and if he really wanted to timestamp locations, she was a sitting duck. So, she decided to answer simply, as she wasn’t in the store. A lie by omission.

No. -O

The three ellipses on his end appeared and disappeared several times before a simple text came through.

Let me know if you need anything, amor. -C

She’d tossed her phone on the table, annoyed.

Olivia finished her visit and said goodbye to Belinda, leaving the largest tip she’d ever left before heading back to her car and sliding in. Her car pinged as it connected to her phone, another reminder of Colin’s presence in her life.

She turned off the highway, heading to her old neighborhood. A bit later, she stood still in front of her old apartment door, seeing a yellow welcome mat. Another tenant had already moved in. Her eyes stung with tears as she stupidly put her hand on the door.

She bent forward and rested her forehead on her hand. Remembering tearing up the hundred-dollar bills that Colin gave her and how she tore them up and left them in front of the door for him to see. She cried genuine tears now, mourning her apartment and her old life. Knowing that somehow, someway, she’d needed to say goodbye to what she once was and find a way to move forward. However, that looked. With or without Colin.

Could they find a way forward together with so many secrets between them?

The future looked bleak to her, despite the glitz, glamor, and ease of her current lifestyle. She'd been witnessing Vanessa becoming closer to Johnathan seemingly by the day, and she owed it to her sister to step back a little and let her explore what that was without her always inserting herself.

Though she loved Allison more than anything, she had a mother who deserved to find her own slice of happiness.

Olivia wrapped her arms around her torso, her body lowering into a crouch as she pressed her wrists to her eyes hard. She got it together, giving a small lingering glance at her old door. She put her fingers to her lips, kissing them briefly before gently pressing them to the door. Letting her old life go.

She turned to go back up the stairs and inhaled in surprise. Her heart crawled into her throat when she saw Colin standing there at the top of the landing. Leaning against the brick wall and staring down at her with that penetrating gaze of his. Not speaking.

She shivered as he began to descend the steps, his big body quickly filling the small space. She tilted her head back slightly to look at him. His brown eyes stared warmly at her.

“How did you know I was here?” she swallowed thickly, fighting back a wave of tears. The look on his face as he was fucking into her body the night before suddenly entered her mind and she blushed, looking down quickly. He placed his finger under her chin, raising her head back up.

“I will always find you when you need me,” Colin said, his gentle eyes boring into hers.

His hand wrapped around her waist, preventing her from stepping backwards away from him. “And I mean always, Olivia,” he warned, leaning further into her, his lips so close.

Her breasts rose and fell as she grappled with emotion. He didn’t close the distance, letting her make the decision. His eyes flickered between hers.

“Touch me dammit,” Colin whispered, his lips a hair's breadth away from hers, his smell assaulting her senses and making her dizzy. She let out a desperate gasp, her hands coming up slowly to his chest, feeling the hard muscles bunching underneath.

Without even knowing she did it, she slowly raised her head and pressed her lips against him softly.

Rubbing her plump lips against his firm ones, Olivia moaned, uninvited tears falling as he licked his tongue across her sensitive skin, searching. She pressed deeper into his body, parting her lips with a small moan and accepting him into her mouth, tilting her head back to give him further access to her. His hand came up to the side of her head and he cupped her gently, letting her know that he could be both hard and soft. His hand trailed down her arm and clasped her hand.

“We’re going home,” Colin said, brushing his thumb against her lips. She nodded in agreement, following him up the stairs, and he followed her home, driving in silence. He pulled in next to her spot and led her to the basement and the hot tub, stripping her slowly and then himself. He grabbed his phone and put a song on repeat that expressed what he felt for her.

Olivia's heart thudded painfully as she heard the singer begin the song in her deep, haunting voice.

Colin placed her into the hot water and followed her down, covering her body gently with his. He licked away her tears as his heart broke in half at what he’d seen her go through standing in front of her old apartment. His chest ached as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a desperate hug. He wasn’t even sure she knew why she was clinging to him the way she was. There was so much unsaid between them.

I love her. I want to be her home, Colin thought to himself. But she wouldn’t let him in. He didn’t have the key to her heart.
