Page 125 of The Pain We Nurture

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Having the source of answers, the key to ending his torment right there in his face was visibly killing him.

“I said leave it alone. Allah himself won’t save you if you fuck with me right now. She hasn’t told me a goddamn thing. Now, get your motherfucking ass back!” Johnathan growled, stepping into Colin’s face.

Colin’s eyebrows scrunched up, and he looked sideways at Vanessa, who was trembling, holding her hand to her stomach. His eyes narrowed as comprehension sank in. He glanced back at Johnathan, finally stepping to the other side of the elevator, crossing his arms in shock.

“Bro…what the fuck?” Colin cocked his head. “Were y’all going to say anything?”

“Yes. After the holidays. Ness, leave us alone for a bit, baby,” Johnathan threw back over his shoulder, turning slightly to block Colin from her as she ran out of the elevator as fast as she could. The door closed and Johnathan hit the floor to the basement. They stood off in the small space as it lowered slowly.


“Olivia!” Vanessa yelled, rounding the corner, and picking up Allison. Putting her on the couch and turning on a cartoon.

“What is it, momma? Why are you screaming?” she said, pulling at her stuffed animal.

“Nothing baby, mommy is going to go and talk to Aunt Olivia for a minute, ok? Stay right there and watch your show,” Vanessa said, bending down to kiss her on the forehead. She grabbed Olivia and pulled her to the foyer, turning and whispering furtively.

“Olivia, you need to tell him. It’s getting too serious, and I don’t like this. This lying,” she begged, turning tear-filled eyes on Olivia’s confused ones. Lamenting as Olivia once again shuttered her eyes, shutting her emotions off from her.

“No,” Olivia said vehemently, shaking her head. “No Nessie! We agreed! You promised!”

“I’M PREGNANT!” Vanessa suddenly yelled, reaching forward and shaking her. Olivia’s face flushed in shock at her sister’s harshness. “And I’m done with secrets! I can finally have a life without secrets, Olivia. I refuse to go into a relationship without transparency. That man loves you; he will accept you; you need to stop being so fucking stubborn!”

There was a tense moment of silence where the two sisters just stared at each other.

“Congratulations! Allison’s finally going to be a big sister!” Olivia said hollowly once she found her voice. Ignoring her comments about Colin.

Blinking away tears and backing up, she blindly reached for the door handle of the front door, feeling her heart crawling through her chest.

“No Olivia. You’re done fucking running from everyone!” Vanessa said, choking on her voice. She lunged forward, grabbing her hand hard and pulling her roughly towards the elevator.

Olivia yanked against her hold as Vanessa tossed her in, using her heavier body weight to slightly overpower hers. Olivia lamented to herself as Vanessa slapped the button and closed the elevator door.

Olivia felt her soul trying to leave her body as the elevator plunged downwards. She blanched, feeling like she was free-falling into hell.

“If you won’t tell him, I will,” Vanessa threatened softly, resolve settling on her face as she turned to face the doors.

Olivia felt herself black out and she snapped, lunging for her sister just as soon as the doors opened. They bounced violently off the wall of the elevator before falling forward through the door frame. The women grappled, pulling each other’s hair and screaming. They rolled on the floor in a pile of screeching and cursing, flailing limbs and red hair all over the floor.

The men rounded the corner in alarm, both covered in sweat from their own fight. They looked at each other before lunging into the fray. It took some time, but they were able to rip them apart. Struggling as they each had a fistful of each other’s hair and they had to manhandle them to get them to let go.

Colin pressed his fingers tightly into Olivia's wrist and he took his chance as her grip loosened on Vanessa’s hair.

“Olivia, let GO. She’s pregnant, baby, you can’t do this!” Colin yelled, struggling as she’d gotten another fistful of Vanessa’s hair. Vanessa was currently gripping into Olivia’s arm and yanking at her shirt. Johnathan put his hand around Vanessa’s hair above Olivia’s grip and yanked, pulling hard.

Colin hauled them apart, putting an arm hard across Olivia’s chest, struggling to still her. Johnathan was dragging Vanessa back, his hand banded around her chest and one arm around her hips, so as not to hurt the baby.

Vanessa was screeching something inaudible in her high-pitched voice, both women completely losing it as they attempted to scream over one another. A weird beeping sounded in Colin’s ears, and the back of his neck prickled.

Olivia broke through at his sudden distraction to grab Vanessa again, and it was clear she was trying to shut her up. He snatched her back with effort as the beeping kept overtaking his brain, touching the part of him that was affected by sirens. The place in his brain where his PTSD lived.

“Be quiet,” Colin said harshly, the women still struggling. John had resorted to picking up Vanessa, who was trying to claw and kick her way out of his arms.

“I SAID BE QUIET!” Colin roared so loud that everyone suddenly went silent. Only the sounds of panting and that beeping remained. He gasped, his eyes going wild.

“Where’s Allison? That’s the alarm system. Where did you two leave her?” he spoke louder, releasing Olivia who went still in his arms. She glanced at Vanessa before they all jumped into action, running to the elevator. Olivia turned sharply and burst to the stairs, taking them two at a time. She tore around the corner into the living room seeing it empty.

The elevator opened, and she stopped them before they tried to get out the door.
