Page 13 of The Pain We Nurture

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Good girl. I’ll text you tonight for your address. -C

She scrunched her face up.

That’s a bit…forward. she thought, frowning slightly at her phone. Feeling those uncomfortable butterflies flutter around in her stomach.

No, I don’t need to be picked up. And I’m definitely NOT a good girl. -O

This only works one way, my way. And until you play nice, no dinner. For either of us, bad girl. -C

Olivia’s eyes hit her hairline as she saw the text, rereading it a few times just to be sure she read it right. She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes as she contemplated her next response. Her tears were completely gone, extinguished by the surprise tone of his text.

The man had audacity, as well as a dangerous aura. He should be walking around with a warning sign. Her teeth almost bit through her lip as she saw the dots again and read his next response.

Are you not cold in your car? -C

She gasped and whipped her head around, not seeing him anywhere.

That’s none of your business. -O

It’s all going to be my business, soon. -C

What does that mean? -O

Ask your boss. =). -C

……excuse me? Elaborate, please. -O

I’m buying the diner. I’m going to know your address, anyway; you might as well give it to me instead of playing hard to get. Isn’t it tiring never being able to let go? It’s written all over you plain as day. You’re not doing a very good job of hiding from me, despite the many refusals you’ve made me suffer through this last month. -C

Rage filled her.

Rage unlike any kind she’d felt since the day she found out her parents died, and the day she found out the extent of Allison’s medical issues filled her. Seeping through her body in a white-hot inferno. She felt more so than saw her vision go red.

Hands trembling, her fingers tapped out a response.

Fuck you. You arrogant, disrespectful asshole. -Olivia

Not waiting for a reply, Olivia threw her phone into the passenger seat and stomped on the accelerator. Kicking up a dust trail behind her. Fumbling blindly for the phone once again, she quickly pulled up the google maps apps and typed in ‘food pantry’ and put it as a stop in her GPS.

“I don’t need this shit,” she mumbled to herself, her fingers digging into her steering wheel until they went numb.

Blinded by hurt and anger, she didn’t notice the dusky blue BMW trailing a few cars behind her. She pulled slowly into the food pantry and glanced around nervously before getting out of her car, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

The elderly woman at the front desk gave her a list of information that she would need to submit to qualify to utilize the pantry’s services, and with rising irritation, she realized she didn’t have the required documentation. She thanked the lady graciously and trudged back to her car. Stopping to throw her gaze to the sky, she once again asked God why the fuck he gave her and Vanessa this life.

In a fit of anger, she kicked her door hard, before getting in and resting her head on the steering wheel. Thinking about the money in the box at home and knowing she couldn’t touch it. She was barely able to scrounge up the required money in the last couple of months before the bills went up. If she started dipping into it, then she definitely wouldn’t have it next month.

Miserable, Olivia cried fresh tears at thinking about what would happen to Allison without the drug she needed for her liver.

Figuring nothing else would make her feel worse, she picked up the phone, pulled up her email and typed in ‘match’ in the search bar. The email she’d received from the hospital from four years ago showed up, explaining that she was not a match for Allison despite their family tie.

Letting herself have a rare emotional moment, she cried some more before putting her key into the ignition and pulling away from the food pantry. Still not seeing the BMW trailing her a few cars back.

Olivia pulled up at her apartment, parking carefully in her spot and looking at her text thread with Colin once again.

I apologize for the last text. Though I think it’s incredibly infuriating that you’re buying my place of employment. I will relent to being picked up at my apartment. There better not be anything sketchy going on-I’ve got friends. -O

=) That’s nice to know. What kind of friends? -C
