Page 15 of The Pain We Nurture

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As she took the time to help Vanessa clean up the kitchen, she looked over at her sister, relieved to see some life come back into her eyes. Vanessa needed these Sunday family get togethers as much as she did.

“Hey, I’m going to head out earlier today. I have a thing. Is that okay?” Olivia said softly, crossing her arms and leaning her jean-clad hips on the counter.

She grinned as her sister’s face truly lit up with happiness.

“Oh my gosh, is it a date?!” Vanessa half squealed, taking her arms and hopping up and down excitedly. Olivia nodded her head, smiling back at her as she saw them as they were when they were teenagers and could afford to moon and laugh over boys.

It felt good to be able to live like that again, even if it was only for a second, and even if it wasn’t true.

“Yes. And he’s picking me up at my apartment, so I’m turning my location on again. Okay?” she grabbed her keys as she backed her way out the front door, leaving her sister to shimmy all over the living room in joy for her. She checked her phone.

Are you absolutely sure I can’t pick you up at 5? We can enjoy a glass of wine before heading out. -C

The text came through just as she pulled into her apartment at four thirty. She hurried down the steps to her apartment, unlocking and opening the door as she contemplated the text thoughtfully. Reacting to his text slightly better than she did previously.

Not much of a drinker, she figured it couldn’t hurt.

I can be ready for company by 6pm, that’s the best I can do. Also, I won’t drink if the bottle has already been opened. -O

Noted. Do you like red, or white wine? -C

I’m not really much of a drinker, honestly, so I’m not picky. I think red should be fine. -O

I’ll see you at six. Don’t forget to send me your location, Olivia. -C

Olivia quickly sent him her location and placed her phone down before looking around her apartment self-consciously.

She shoved the two dirty forks into the dishwasher along with the one plate, mug, and cup she allowed herself to have, before turning it on quick mode. It saved on water, and dishwashing soap to only have so little. Deciding to clean she wiped down her counter, and swept her small kitchen and living area in a fit of OCD, even though everything was spotless. She was never home, never had company.

Her place, though homey enough, had essentially been a crash pad for the last four years.

There wasn’t much to muss up, and not much to look at either. The beige walls were spotless still, not having any reason to be messed up either.

She threw herself in the shower, accidentally ripping through another ring of her rubber ducky shower liner. Going a little slower, she shaved quickly and washed her hair. With a frown she noticed she was out of body wash, so she finished washing with shampoo.

Spraying her hair generously with volumizer, she took time to blow dry her hair.

Olivia did her makeup lightly, not wanting Colin to get the wrong impression of their date tonight. She’d just wanted a nice dinner for once, and to not feel like an overworked slave horse.

Cautious regarding her safety, she slipped her taser carefully in her bra, in the space between her heavy breasts. Snuggling it deep just in case she had to use it. Turning to her closet, she pulled out the dress she'd been dying to have an excuse to wear since she bought it a couple years ago.

Olivia smiled with pleasure as she pulled it on, making sure the taser wasn't visible within the neckline. Posing in the mirror, she gave a little twirl eyeing the skirt happily. The dress was an emerald-green maxi with pheasant sleeves that highlighted her eyes and cupped her breasts perfectly. It's length made her look taller than she really was. Humming to herself, she moisturized the creamy swells of her breasts with a vanilla scented lotion, her hands gliding over her neck and shoulders gently.

She finished it all off with clear lip balm and she dropped the tube, surprised when she heard a polite knock come from the front door.

Frowning, she looked at her phone, seeing that it was only five forty-nine. Thinking was the guy neurotic or what. No one was this polite, or on time. Knowing it was him, she wrenched the door open without looking through the peephole. She shivered as she felt the cool fall air brush her dewy skin.

Olivia's mind turned to mush again when she got her first look at Colin's face. She shook her head slightly to put her brain back in order.

“It’s not six o'clock yet!” Olivia admonished, arching her neck, and meeting his eyes before even thinking about saying hello. The skin around his eyes crinkled as Colin hungrily assessed her face, the same as she was staring at him. Olivia licked her lips, suddenly feeling a hot, heavy pressure settle in between her legs.

“See what I'm talking about? I have yet to get a hello from you in the four weeks I’ve been patiently waiting to make your acquaintance,” Colin teased. He flashed her a panty wetting smile and flicked his gaze to her lips. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” he held up a bottle of some expensive-looking wine she’d never seen at a grocery store.

Olivia felt herself flush in slight embarrassment at his question.

Jesus, it’s like my parents didn’t raise me with manners, Olivia lamented to herself, as he smiled down at her. His bold text about her calling him ‘sir’ rushed through her head at that exact moment and she blushed even harder, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth.

She scoffed and moved to the side, gingerly pulling back so his body wouldn’t brush hers as he walked in. Colin was so tall he almost had to stoop to keep from hitting his head on the short door frame. And for the very first time in years, she became properly embarrassed about her small home. So much so, her hands started sweating. She suddenly wished she’d put a few pieces of art on the wall, something to distract from how obviously boring and lifeless her home was.
