Page 25 of The Pain We Nurture

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“It’s ok, I don’t think he’s upset,” Olivia peeked at Colin, seeing his slight grin., “Which story do want me to read tonight? What adventure shall we be partaking in together little bit?” she said playfully.

“Little red riding hood,” Allison said quietly.

She snuck a quick peek through her lashes at Colin who was studiously staring at the road in front of them. He shook his head yes, a brief smile gracing his lips as he squeezed her leg again encouragingly. His fingers had curled around her flesh, bunching the material and cupping her inner thigh next to her knee intimately, curling around to the seat his hand was so big.

His thumb continued to sweep slow strokes over the top.

She pulled up her story book app and found the book, reading and giving her all the silly parts that she knew Allison loved. When Vanessa verified that Allison was asleep, she hung up her phone.

There was a tense silence as Olivia struggled to gain control of her emotions. She sat back in the seat, her breathing becoming erratic. She swallowed thickly, trying desperately to get a handle over what she figured to be a panic attack. She didn’t have them very often.

Her grapple for control lasted briefly before she suddenly bent forward with a small noise in the back of her throat.

Fuck it, who cares? Olivia thought.

She had business to take care of.

Manners and Maniacs

Throwing caution to the wind, Olivia hurriedly reached into her purse to grab her burner phone. Not even pretending to not feel panicked next to this man who had just treated her to a lovely dinner.

She didn’t want him to know her secrets, but her desperation overtook any sense of propriety she’d attempted to have with him.

Fuck him. I’m not seeing him again anyway. Who cares what he thinks of me, she thought. Pushing away any thoughts of pretense or desire.

This is not a fairy tale, she thought. Grounding herself back to reality.

Blinking through her tears that she wouldn’t let fall she unlocked her burner phone using facial recognition and called Gypsy. It rang twice before she answered. This time she didn’t turn the speakerphone on.

“What’s up, love? Normally, you’ll text me. You ok?” The woman’s elegant voice sounded through the phone.

“G, I need more. Like two more. I need them this week,” she spoke into the phone urgently, leaning forward to pick Colin’s hand off her knee. He put it back on the gearshift.

“But your arm,” Gypsy’s concerned voice barely penetrated her consciousness.

“I don’t give a flying fuck about my arm. Can you get me what I need? I barely had enough to make her hospital payments last month. I’m drowning,” she hissed into the phone.

“This week?”

“Yes, this week.”

“It may not be what you like.” The woman said, hesitation in her voice.

“I don’t care about that right now, I’ll relent a little if it means I can get them this week. I’ll text you in a minute what I can compromise on. Burners, sickers, whatever,” she said, her voice going up an octave.

“Just get me something, please! Can you take care of me? G, I never ask for anything! You know that! Don’t make me beg, Gypsy,” she all but gritted tearfully into the phone, hating to sound desperate to either of the people listening to her talk. She listened intently as Gypsy typed on her computer.

“I found two available on Tuesday night and Saturday. Right after your regular with the Judge. These people are paying a premium. Thirty-eight hundred dollars an hour.”

“Can you book me for a month solid?”

“Yes. Anything else?”

“Unless you can find the piece of shit who abandoned Ally so I can tear out his liver with my bare hands then no. He’s probably the PERFECT match,” Olivia said angrily, her hand gripped her phone painfully hard.

There was a tense silence through the phone and the car and she was acutely aware Colin was listening attentively.

“Hey Kat, did something happen to Ally? Is everything ok?” Gypsy suddenly sounded like she went into a quiet space.
