Page 27 of The Pain We Nurture

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“It’s none of your-”

“Answer. The. Fucking. Question,” Colin growled at her, lowering his face slightly. She shivered against his stony stare.

“Fifteen grand a m-month,” she said, her eyes lowering from his, not wanting to see his face. Her breaths came out hot and fast, her breasts lowering and rising rapidly, her mouth quivered as she struggled and failed to compose herself under his harsh observation. She pulled a shaking lip between her teeth, biting down hard.

“And how do you get this money every month?” his eyes narrowed.

Olivia’s eyes flew back to Colin’s incredulously. Her fury stoked by his audacity, she slapped a hand against her leg hard, resisting the urge to hit him. The sound reverberated around the space between them.

“Didn’t you just fucking hear me? I WOOORRRRK. I work myself to fucking death every month for that little girl you just heard me talking to on the goddamn PHONE! You arrogant, nosy asshole!” she yelled at him, trying unsuccessfully again to pull away.

They silently seethed at each other in the car and Olivia gritted her teeth against the harsh look on his face. His fingers tightened slightly more onto her jaw and she flinched, trying to jerk her head away unsuccessfully.

Colin leaned in even closer, his breath brushed over her lips, making her instinctively lick out her tongue to caress her bottom lip.

Olivia made a low growling sound in her throat as he wouldn’t let her loose, his fingers tightening painfully on her chin. He answered with his own rumble, much more intimidating than hers. She glared at him furiously as leaned in closer, eyes flashing dangerously at her.

She reddened even more as she realized her panties were flooded. Not even just wet, she was soaking. His viciousness turned her on. His ability to switch from a gentleman to an interesting, aggressive, more dangerous side in a heartbeat aroused her.

“There’s no fucking way you make fifteen thousand a month working at a diner and part time bartending so cut the omissions Olivia. What was that shit with Gypsy?”

Her eyes flashed at him threateningly and she pulled hard against his hand as she shifted in her seat.

“What does it matter to you? You can't do a fucking thing about it and it’s none of your goddamn business, you fucking bast-” Olivia was up on her knees in her seat, pulling ineffectively against the seatbelt.

She ignored his pained grip around her jaw and audibly growled at him before he cleared the space fast between them and took her mouth in a harsh bite. Cutting off her words.

Olivia squealed and tried to pull away, her arm painfully making her stay in place for him. She felt a vicious bang in between her legs as the pain mixed with their kiss. And she had the sudden embarrassing thought that she was so wet the material of her dress under her had to be soaked.

She stared at him in horror as he ate her mouth in the harshest kiss she’d ever had. It was nothing like the sweet kiss they’d shared before they left the restaurant. He stared back at her, the both of them refusing to close their eyes and break contact. With an audible growl, his teeth bit into her bottom hard enough to bruise. His tongue evaded her as she tried to clench her teeth down around it.

She whimpered as the salty coppery taste of her own blood assaulted her tongue.

Colin finally let her go when she stopped struggling, their lips releasing with an audible smack. He pushed her rather roughly back into her seat before leaning back into his and readjusting his erection.

“Someone needs to fucking teach you some manners,” Colin said as he carefully schooled his face back into a picture of calm. He spent a second adjusting his erection with one firm hand, before he carefully pulled back onto the road and resumed driving.

"Someone needs to teach you how to treat a woman," she bit back at him.

Colin ignored her harsh panicked pants in the passenger seat. She didn’t realize she was fueling the fire. She huddled against the car door as he pulled back out onto the road.

Olivia all but fell out of the car without another word the second he pulled into her lot. Barely waiting for him to put the car in park. Stumbling from too much wine, she tried to walk faster as she heard his car door slam behind her. He appeared on her left side, and grabbed her arm harshly, pulling her against his side and ignoring her struggles.

“Stop it, Olivia,” Colin bit out, readjusting his grip around her arm. Olivia stilled instantly, slowing her steps, the clicking of her heels echoed loudly around them. She tensed her arm against his grip.

“You’re not coming in,” Olivia retorted.

“As much as we both need it, you wouldn’t enjoy it right now if I did. With that attitude of yours; I’d fuck you too hard,” Colin answered back, leading them carefully down the stairs and turning her to face him at her door.

She scoffed at him, keeping her eyes firmly in front of her.

“I’m not having sex with you-you-you maniac!” she bit out angrily, successfully jerking out of his grip. Her sleeves fell further down with her movements, and she hurriedly pulled them back up, trying to right herself.

“I don’t know what you do extra for that kind of money, but this’ll be your last month doing it,” Colin said as he got into her face. He reached for his pocket and pulled out several hundred-dollar bills and tried to hand it to her.

She threw him another filthy look.

“I don’t want your fucking money, Colin!” she hissed angrily.
