Page 35 of The Pain We Nurture

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"Get the fuck off me-" she hissed, her neck craning back as she attempted to lean away from him and push him off her.

Colin's eyes flashed as he leaned down into her face, he put a hand to her jaw and a finger to her lips.

"Calm. Yourself. Down. Right. The fuck NOW!" he said deathly quietly into her face.

Olivia shook her head no, her chest heaving as he settled more of his weight onto her. He nodded his head back just as rapidly, his breath washing over her face as he spoke.

"Yes. Yes, Olivia, you will calm yourself. Calm. Breathe. Good girl, now take a deeper one. Deeper. Again. Again."

Olivia felt her heartbeat slowing as she did what he instructed, her eyes still wide as his finger continued to press into her lip. She realized they were rocking slightly against each other, and he was breathing with her as well to help calm her.

"I'm calm..I'm calm. Please get up," she whispered, blinking slowly. Her hips relaxed into the couch and she realized she missed the weight of his body as he smoothly heaved himself off her. He walked back to the drinks cabinet, giving her room. She gave him a nasty side eye until he finished putting the space between them. She went back to the document, keeping quiet.

He was happy to stand there and watch her eyes flickering back and forth as she read. Her eyebrow arched at one spot in the document, and he smiled. His eyes lowered as he let his gaze wander freely, unashamedly. He glanced slowly down at her legs, now crossed again and she was swinging her foot anxiously.

Colin leaned against the drink cabinet, crossing his legs and getting comfortable watching her as she got to the delectable part of the document. Her little noises of disbelief bounced around his head, and he committed these noises to memory as he wanted to hear them in other scenarios.

When she got to page three, Olivia tilted her head as she stiffened and almost damn near stopped breathing. Colin watched with amusement as her eyes went wide as saucers. His own breath hitched as his need got hotter, watching her struggle for breath.

He slowly came to stand in front of her before lowering to the table and sitting. Waiting patiently as she flipped to the last page, the signature page.

“It’s going to be so good between us,” he leaned forward and pushed back a lock of silky red hair behind her ear. Tempting fate, he leaned in further and placed his lips to hers, tasting her cry of surprise and the vodka she’d just drank. He licked inside her mouth deeply, chasing more of the scent, more of her scent.

“None of it’s negotiable. The contract stands as is. I want your blueprints, and I want your body and your time,” he said as he pulled back and looked into her eyes.

"You're a sadist?" she bit out, sounding like she was speaking through a tunnel, like she couldn't quite make her words reach where she needed them to.

Colin nodded, tilting his head as he regarded her silently.

They stared at each other for a tense minute, neither of them willing to be the one to cut the tension mounting between them.

"You don't even know me, Colin. We don't know each other. I could be childish, immature, make your life a living hell. You don't even know if I'm good in bed. I could be a lousy lay."

Colin barked out a laugh. "Oh come on Olivia, don't insult my intelligence this way. I wouldn't be attracted to you if you were like a child. You are not like a child. I pay attention, and have been watching you carefully. You are smart, you act safe. I observed your behavior in the diner when we first met, when we went to the Italian restaurant you didn't even want to let me drive. Your phone call on the way home, though disturbing, speaks to very grown issues that you are dealing with, and have been dealing with for quite some time.' Colin tilted his head and crossed his arms, tapping one hand on his bicep. "I even listened to how you handled your business. Quite efficiently and admirably if I may say so myself. Even now, you aren't taking the money easily even though we both know how badly you need it. You are cautious. I am a little worried about your manners, that mouth needs some fucking taming. And as far as the lousy lay, hmmm," he bit his lip and groaned, the sound vibrating between them as his eyes lowered to the juncture between her legs.

Olivia felt her heart crawl into her throat and lodge itself rather uncomfortably. She fidgeted, squirming.

Colin stared quietly for a minute before his eyes flickered up to hers. "Something tells me that's not true, but I promise you, I have more than enough energy to tame that mouth and that pussy. Something tells me they're both hardheaded and you know what they say about a hard head."

Olivia's jaw dropped open at his last sentence and she sputtered, knowing he was right. She had a wicked mouth. She opened her mouth to speak, and Colin interrupted her.

"That was not a question. The taming starts now."

She sucked in an indignate breath.

"Ok back to the fucking point. You want me to be like a sex slave. You want to have sex with you, whenever, however, wherever, as much as you want. I'm to give up my home, to live with you? For two freaking years? I have to call you 'sir'? I can't buy my own shit, I have to give up my car? I have to give you my phone? MY PHONE, Colin? I'm gen z, I can't fucking deal with that-"

Colin interrupted her. "Reread it, only your burner phone. You're done with the side hustle. And I mean allll the fucking way done, Olivia."

She continued on like she didn't hear him.

"And let's not even talk about the-the-" she paused, flipping through the contract to find what she wanted. "use of electricity, and-and foreign object insertion-Colin. Colin," she looked back up, "Is this some sort of joke? Am I being pranked like that show punk'd? Are there cameras in here? I mean... Am I to be expected to wait at the door for you when you get home too? Like 'your every wish is my command, sir'."

"You done being a fresh little witch?" Colin rasped, his eyebrow arching.

"Oooohhhh! You had better be so fucking thankful you said witch with a 'w'," she flashed her eyes at him.

"Take this fucking seriously, Olivia." Colin's eyes flashed back at her. "This is in fact not a joke, and stop treating it like it is to try and dissociate yourself."
