Page 37 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia silently stood from the couch, watching him stroke his five-o clock shadow thoughtfully.

Please. Please say yes. I’ll help you make a beautiful life, baby. Don’t be stubborn, Colin thought. A small grin gracing his face as he silently willed her to accept the agreement. His eyes flashed threateningly as he noted her pregnant pause.

Huffing a breath, Olivia bent to snatch her bag up off the floor. Standing back upright she threw the contract onto the table in front of them with a slap. Her eyes met his as she straightened her shoulders.

“I would be interested in selling the blueprints, not the contract. It sounds like I damn well would be a prisoner,” she said, folding her arm across her torso as she regarded him.

“The two offers are joined, if you do not take the contract, then I will not buy the blueprints,” Colin said softly. He stood up and folded his arms tightly, mirroring her stance, looking down at her.

Olivia twisted her lips and arched an eyebrow. “That’s nonsense, you literally just offered me the-“

“I said no, they’re offered together. And I know how much you need the money,” he said seriously, tilting his head.

She tilted her own head to meet his glare head on, staying silent. Her plump lips pressed tight together. Bold, he took a step forward into her space.

“You are so fucking arrogant, it’s sick,” she whispered, goading him.

“I know. I am what I am, and I make no apologies for who I am whatsoever,” Colin replied, seeing her gaze rake down his form rather judgmentally.

She took her own step forward, putting herself in his personal space.

“See? You're proving my point already. No deal. I couldn’t fucking survive living with your ego for two hours much less two years,” she quipped, her voice going slightly higher as she stepped into his space even more. “And you’d want me to call you ‘Sir’ too? Please, get the fuck out of here. I wish I would,” they were almost pressed into each other’s fronts.

Colin smiled at her and bent forward into her ear. Olivia tensed as the hair of his beard scraped her cheek gently.

“We’ll be testing that theory on your back, on your knees, with you screaming and clawing beneath me on every surface in my house. You may be right, you might not survive two years, but it won’t be because of my ego. It’ll be because of my cock, baby," Olivia's lips parted as he took the final step forward between them and his breath washed over her ear and her neck, making her whimper, and her flesh break out in goosebumps.

He continued to speak. And she found herself almost unbearably aroused at his rough words.

Colin dared to pull her dress up gently and place his fingers against her lace clad mound, sliding inside and agitating her clit as he deepened his voice even more. Olivia shivered, biting her lip to keep from crying out.

"I have a very demanding, and voracious appetite for sex, as you read. That business against your apartment door was nothing compared to how I’m going to fuck you,” he paused, hearing her ragged breathing, and letting the words sink in. “I’m not just going to fuck your sweet tight body, but I’m going to fuck your mind too. And I’m going to make sure it hurts so that the lesson sticks,” Colin's rasped, desire making his voice thick.

Olivia felt her panties soak with his words as her clit twinged painfully as he manipulated her expertly, carrying her all the way to the brink and holding her there. She swayed into his chest, sagging as desire overtook her senses.

Colin moved suddenly, surprising her.

She hissed and cried out as Colin's hand left her clit and his fingers pressed into her sore arm at the same time he grasped a straining nipple with the fingers of his other hand. Shocked, she jerked against him in pleasured pain.

"Now, imagine tiny bolts of electricity on these sensitive nipples while I have my lips wrapped around your clit, making you orgasm over and over again. Making you take it like the good girl I know you can be," Colin's elegant voice drilled deep into her brain, making her lose her mind.

Leaning her head forward to rest onto his chest, she moaned miserably. The two sensations clashing and making her knees liquify as a weak orgasm rolled through her body. Olivia shivered as she felt her skin break out in goosebumps. She raised her head after a minute, staring helplessly into his eyes. Her breath was ragged, her chest heaved as she battled with confusing emotions.

What the hell was that? Olivia thought, her eyes flickering between his.

Colin's hand moved from her nipple to the back of her neck, feeling the warm dewy flush of her skin.

“You have a little girl who would be most appreciative of her aunt’s decision,” he spoke again. Not at all ashamed to use what little collateral he had against her. “It’s only for two years,” Colin pressed.

“Yes, but you can add on time as you please when you buy me things, it seems like?”

“Within reason,” Colin said, smiling slightly at her as she frowned at him.

“Within who’s reason?”

“Mine,” his chocolate-colored eyes turned darker, the irises dilating suddenly.

“Obviously,” she snorted. “What’s to keep you from taking advantage of me?” she asked.
