Page 40 of The Pain We Nurture

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“It’s fine,” she gritted, her face heating up. She threw Colin a filthy look.

“Ok, any chance you are pregnant?”

“Nope, I’m not sexually active,” she said, with a big emphasis on the ‘I’m’ leaving that up for the doctor’s interpretation. She hoped Colin was as embarrassed as she was.

The doctor glanced briefly between the two of them before putting his eyes back on the computer. Colin’s eyebrow raised and he crossed his ankle over his knee. He began tapping the toe of his shoe on the tiled floor. The action made her nervous.

“Would you like us to do an STD test while you are here today?”

“W-what?” she sputtered. “No. I don't need one,” she said, pissed. The man swiveled all the way in his chair, his hands clasping between his knees.

“I get you're upset but if you’re going to be a patient of mine, I need basic information about you for your file. Mr. McDermott pays a lot of money for my services however If you would like, I can refer you to a female doctor here in the office. But her next available appointment isn’t for another three months. Seeing as you need your arm attended to, I am the quickest option at the moment to get you referred for surgery. You let me know what you’re comfortable with, Miss Cameron,” the doctor finished, rolling back and forth slightly in his chair, regarding her kindly.

Olivia calmed herself with a deep breath, not even daring to look at Colin. She felt his energy from across the room, choking her. She blew out a breath and nodded.

“It’s fine, sorry. I’m just a little nervous. I’m on edge because of the pain,” she put a hand up to her hair and tugged, breathing a sigh of relief at the tingles breaking across her scalp.

“I can prescribe you something for that. Can we continue?” he replied, turning back to his computer when she nodded her consent. Olivia felt her face was flushed.

“I’ve only had one sexual partner six years ago so no, I don’t need an STD test. But he does. Can we make him an appointment?” she said, referencing Colin. His lips twitched in amusement.

“Yes, we can get him in right after you, actually.”

Olivia looked at him and gave him a self-satisfied smile. Her phone dinged.

Keep it up. I dare you.-C

She smiled brighter.

Just giving you your money’s worth. You fucking told the man to ask me if I needed an STD test, you could have just asked me and I would have told you. -O

“Date of your last period, and are there any issues there that need addressing?” the doctor's voice interrupted her glee.

“Two and a half weeks ago, and no," she pursed her lips, turning even more red. She threw her phone back in her purse and pushed it away from her.

The doctor proceeded to ask her all kinds of questions before doing a careful exam of her body. Worried about any freckles or moles, instructing her to keep a good eye on any changes in her freckles, as any change might be a sign of cancer. There were more and younger people dying of melanoma, unaware of the risks and what to look for. He gave her a couple of recommendations for a dermatologist, which she shoved into her purse.

They got her surgery scheduled for a couple of weeks out, due to a patient dropping out of their surgery date.

Olivia became more withdrawn as reality began to settle in. Colin put his arm around her comfortingly at her shocked look, he made an encouraging noise and pressed his lips to her hair when she shared with him she'd never had surgery before. He was pleased that she squeezed his hand as they walked to his car, and though she walked slow almost as if in a daze, he didn't rush her.

Colin apparently didn’t need any testing. He’d already had all of that taken care of because he was responsible. She bristled when he told her that.

Her hand felt slightly clammy in his warm palm.

Olivia bit her lip and looked out the window blinking away tears, suddenly really missing her parents. Colin started his vehicle and patiently waited as she called her sister to tell her the news, and to let her know that she was bringing dinner over. Ignoring Vanessa's usual ‘can we afford that’ statement she looked at Colin, thinking that because of him, they could now afford just about whatever they wanted.

He called the local Chinese restaurant over the car system while they drove, putting in an obnoxiously large order. She raised her eyebrows at the price but stayed silent.

It was more of an effort to stay silent as she watched him add his facial recognition to her phone and made her do the same to his. As well as adding her phone to the car’s bluetooth system.

While they were on the way to her sister's house, he’d called a dealership and ordered her a cherry red Porsche Cayenne. He took her hand in a vice grip as she snapped, trying to stab at the many prompts on the touch screen to disconnect the call before he could complete the order. His hand stayed tight on hers until his GPS pulled him up to her sister’s house.

After a few minutes he finished up the call and exited the vehicle, rounding it and opening her door.

Olivia glanced at his hand as he held it out for her. Her eyes flickered between his as she slowly met his gaze. Seeing his expression was warm, open, non-judgmental. Blowing a breath out to clear her nerves, suddenly almost terrified as she'd never brought a man to meet her sister or her niece. She swallowed hard, imploring silently with her eyes for this to go ok. Olivia grimaced past the pain as she extended her arm, letting Colin help her out of the car.

He grabbed the Chinese food out of the backseat and then gestured for her to lead him.
