Page 52 of The Pain We Nurture

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Pausing, she’d realized that she didn’t have to get up early in the morning for anything anymore to set an alarm for right now until school started.

Until school starts, she thought again. A fission of rare happiness ran through her.

Olivia listened to the muted shower sounds for a second before looking at the nightstand on her side of the bed. Her phone was attached to a charger and turned it on silent. Opening it, she quickly made sure her location was turned on and sent it to her sister. She then gleefully deleted every alarm she had pre-programmed on her phone.

She scrolled through several texts, a couple from Aliyah as well. Asking if they could get together, stating she was going to be in town in a couple weeks and wanted to hang out. She beat out a few “I’m ok,” “Yes, let me know when” texts, and a “kiss Allison goodnight for me.”

I can’t stop looking at my bank account. Ollie you are the craziest, most beautiful person in the whole wide world. Send me a picture. Love you 4eva.-Sissy.

She turned and snapped a picture of her with the windows in the background, her still in the bed before sending it and typing.

Pray I last. I think I might actually like him Nessie. And you know I don’t like anyone! -Ollie

That’s a nice place, sis. And I really hope so. What’s in the contract?-Sissy

I can’t tell you-I signed an NDA. And it’s not appropriate anyways. You don’t want to know. I love you! Going to bed. -Ollie

Ew, bitch. Please get on the pill ASAP. One day, we’ll have to talk about your penchant for risk taking. Make sure you check in with me every freaking day. I want to know you're doing ok. Night! -Sissy

Olivia hit the love emoji and sent her the picture she snapped before placing her phone back on the nightstand. Turning the television on, she pressed the video streaming app and found a show about an English time traveler. She’d been wanting to watch the show and had never had time. Settling deep into the big pillows, she smiled wistfully at the theme song.

The fireplace flickered romantically, and she found herself mesmerized by the show. She didn’t get to see much of it before she drifted off, exhausted.

Finally succumbing to the day’s adventures.


Three quarters of an hour later, Colin turned the light off in the bathroom before he padded quietly into the bedroom. Stilling, he saw Olivia had fallen asleep half sitting up. Her curvy breasts rising and falling rhythmically in her sleep. Her hair cascaded around her and against the pillow, its tresses tickling her waist with its length.

Her puffy areola and soft nipples were slightly noticeable through the white fabric of her tank top. The swell of her breasts gleamed in the small light of the fireplace.

He’d left it on knowing that she didn’t like the dark and wanted her to feel comfortable.

Walking to her side to turn the lamp off, he noticed the television flickering gently. He glanced at it for a moment, seeing a man and woman walking through a dilapidated old building they called “Fraser’s Ridge” before getting it on in the basement. He grabbed the remote and rewound the show a few minutes so she could start off where she finished, shutting off the television and placing the remote next to her phone.

Seeing it glowing faintly with a message from her sister, he unlocked it before checking to make sure Allision was ok, knowing Olivia's worry. Not wanting to wake her up unnecessarily.

Unable to help it, he saw their former texts where Olivia discussed the NDA and not being able to share much. Truthfully, he shared enough with Vanessa in her kitchen earlier, and that’s where he wanted her knowledge to end. Vanessa didn’t need to know the filthy, kinky things he’d had planned for her sister.

Colin then turned his eyes again to her sleeping form when he read more.

‘I think I like him. And you know I don’t like anybody.’

He put her phone face down on the nightstand and walked to the other side of the bed. Grabbing the remote there and turning the fireplace on low before crawling in and laying there quietly. Trying to regulate his breathing after masturbating for well over half an hour in the bathroom. His restraint was costing him dearly. Just smelling her next to him made his dick hard again.

Colin willed it down and attempted to fall asleep next to her.

First Lesson is Pain

Colin woke up early the next morning and brought his work laptop to bed, wanting to watch Olivia wake up. Finishing out an email he sipped deeply from his coffee cup as she stirred.

She opened her eyes slowly. Yawning and arching into a deep stretch, moaning when her arm twitched in pain.

Colin felt himself flinch in sympathy at her small hiss of pain as her arm pulled with the movement, but was unable to stop her body’s reflexes. She slithered half down the bed with the force of her stretch, and she took a second to roll around before her eyes really focused.

Pausing, Olivia looked up the big expansive bed and saw Colin sitting up next to her. Having had an early morning meeting, he was already dressed comfortably in black attire.

He smiled at her, holding the corner of reader glasses in his mouth. “Good morning pet,” he said gruffly, flickering his eyes over her mussed appearance.
