Page 55 of The Pain We Nurture

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“And when should she stop eating?” Colin addressed the receptionist once more.

Olivia silently took a second to appreciate him taking control of the situation, not having had someone truly looking out for her in years.

She sent him a quick text before texting Vanessa, he looked at it briefly before going back to his laptop screen, smiling at her display of manners. He'd be willing to bet this would become an inside joke between them.

Thank you, Colin. -O she’d sent, attaching a grateful emoji to the end.

“Twelve hours before the procedure. Only water after six tonight.”

“Okay, I’m ready. Give me the information,” Colin listened intently as the woman gave him instructions to the surgical center, reiterated the fasting schedule, and verified that Olivia would have a ride back home and be monitored after her surgery. He slid off of bed and disconnected the call, looking down and seeing the text she sent. He typed out a quick reply.

Welcome, baby. -C

His eyes crinkled again as he looked up. She was sitting cross legged on the bed, with her back to him as she spoke on the phone.

He smiled slightly, waiting patiently for Olivia to finish her conversation with her sister.

Soon, she hopped off the bed herself, turning to face him and twisted her lips in an adorably hesitant expression that tugged at his heart strings.

“She can be here Monday, but she’ll need to bring Ally. Is that ok? If not, I’m sure I’ll be perfectly fine without any assistance,” she said dismissively, rounding the bed to head into the bathroom.

Starting to gleam that Olivia often put on a front that she was more confident than what she seemed to really feel, he checked himself in calling her out on the dismissive tone. He realized that he desperately wanted her to let her real self show, but also knowing this was going to take time and trust.

So, Colin didn't bother to respond to her ridiculous comment as he sat at the end of the bed and watched as Olivia brushed her teeth and hair. She washed her face gently with a dark green towel before neatly folding it and placing it on a nearby towel rack. She came out quickly, throwing him a cute glance before veering off into the closet.

He heard some rustling around before she appeared again, dressed in a clean white T-shirt and comfortable black sweats. She'd put on sleek black tennis shoes that Mary had the foresight to pick up in her shoe size.

He led her out the bedroom door. Watching as her red hair swished as she turned to look out the hallway window to the backyard.

“I’ll give Mary a heads up so she can prepare a guest room for them,” he took her left hand, pleased to see that she only pulled away a little. Still not used to that kind of intimacy.

He guessed neither of them were, but they’d navigate it together.

Colin took her downstairs and made her the most ridiculous breakfast possible of pancakes, turkey sausage, complete with sunny side up eggs. Her favorite, and he was so happy that he’d paid attention to his mom when she’d taught him how to cook before she died. She’d told him all women loved a man who could cook for them, and seeing as how he hadn’t had much time with his mom, he took all her advice to him and memorized it. Sealing her words deep into his heart.

Even though he could barely remember what she sounded like anymore.

He listened to Olivia teasing him, giggling as she got a kick out of watching him freshly squeeze her a second glass of orange juice. Looking around and saw he kept his kitchen well stocked with a variety of fresh fruit options.

She glanced at him with an arched eyebrow and grinned teasingly at him. He grinned back, arching his own in response. He handed her a glass of juice.

“Man, what you must have thought of my place?” she said with a little giggle. She leaned back to look at the expansive skylight above the island.

She tilted her head towards the counters seeing various fruit bowls, onions, potatoes, garlic, and even real plants with climbing vines all over the area. It was seriously homey and he hoped it made her feel comfortable as well. He’d fired enough people over his house when he was having it built, and he was a proud man when it came to his assets.

He gave a half laugh that ended with a sexy hum, watching her lick her lips at the erotic sound.

“I was highly concerned. Thought you might be a serial killer, there was no sign of life in there until I got a peek at your bedroom,” he teased with a grin as he finished off a piece of sausage.

Olivia watched him chew with interest, and he decided he loved how astute she was. Wondering if it spoke to deeper issues to how carefully she paid attention to her emotions.

When Colin was sure she was full, he then cleaned up efficiently, making her sit at the island and watch him. Ignoring her irritated look. He led her into the garage, through the mudroom off of the kitchen. He smiled, ignoring her shocked and slightly judgmental expression at the multitude of expensive cars and multiple bikes as he led the way to his BMW.

Colin made a mental note to make space for her Porsche that was being delivered in next couple of days.


Olivia watched mesmerized as he efficiently backed them out and revved the engine as they roared around the house and up the drive. Olivia was struck by the difference between getting out of his property and backing out of her sister’s tiny driveway, not having a driveway of her own to think about.
