Page 57 of The Pain We Nurture

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Throwing him a evil look, she wiped a tear from her eye before they went out and he had the shopper finish picking out dresses, more intimates, and shoes. Olivia was fuming, admitting to herself that she was turned on from the pain.

The rest of their interactions were mutually stoic, and she accepted every dress that he and the shopper threw at her. Closing herself off.

She observed rather nervously that Colin hadn’t lied to her when he told her that her interaction stole his joy. He was completely stone faced when the shopper presented him with the bill, forty-five grand. He paid quickly before loading up the SUV with their purchases and went back to her side of the car and opened her door again. He leaned in close, his minty breath washing over her.

Olivia pouted, lowering her eyes to her lap. Her hands were wrapped around her torso tightly and she was blinking away the tears.

Don’t look at me, I’m sorry for fucking up so soon, she thought.

She made a small sound when Colin suddenly leaned forward and took her mouth in a gentle kiss. Uncaring that they were in the middle of the parking lot in view of others.

Olivia trembled as he savored her mouth slowly. His tongue coaxed hers gently, parting her lips and slipping inside to tangle with hers. She made a hurt noise and tried to pull away, but he just pressed deeper, putting a hand to the side of her face and cupped her intimately, his warmth seeping in.

Hearing his groan she melted, nuzzling into him, beginning to respond to him and kiss him back. After a minute, he pulled away and stroked his thumb across her cheek, staring into her dark green eyes.

“Thank you, sir. For the dresses,” she whispered, telling him in her own way she was sorry, just as he showed her with his kiss that he was sorry. She supposed they were going to have hiccups as they got to feel out each other and their roles in this arrangement.

He grinned at her, giving her a wink which made her cheeks turn pink.

“You’re welcome, baby,” he said, leaning forward and pressing his lips to her forehead. Leaving her stunned at the small action. She blinked in surprise as he closed her door and rounded to the driver’s side and slid in smoothly.

Colin drove them home and reheated Mary’s chicken and squash orzo in the oven while he made multiple trips bringing bags upstairs. Just on time at five in the evening. Olivia mixed them a drink for dinner, having observed that he’d loved a drink in the evenings, before shouting in surprise as he poured hers out. She shouldn’t have alcohol before the procedure, but he made it better by mixing her a delicious mocktail.

“Colin,” she said softly, watching him take a couple plates from the cabinet. He looked over at her, pausing at her expression before turning to lean a hip on the counter next to them. He gave her undivided attention and she appreciated that. “I’m nervous…. scared, actually. About tomorrow. I’ve never had surgery before. And I don’t know how I… act.”

Colin tilted his head and gave her a slow smile. She wasn’t sure if she imagined his intense stare softened slightly with understanding, but she relished it all the same.He stepped towards her, spreading his hand against the side of her face and kissed her forehead again. Her eyes closed briefly.

He can be gentle.

“You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m here, Mary is available, and your sister and Allison are coming too when Allison gets out of school to spend the night. I thought of everything. And I believe you’ll be too drowsy to have to worry about how you might act. So, stop stressing and let's enjoy our food and the rest of the evening.”

Olivia let her tension go with a sigh of relief. His effortless confidence settled her, and soothed something inside of her she didn’t know she needed tending to. She snuck him a look through her lashes, wondering if all the details he’d put in the contract was just a front. He couldn’t have been serious about some of that stuff.

Then she remembered him ripping up the money and him spanking her and blinked. Not a front after all.

Just because he was a sadist, doesn’t mean he can’t be decent, she told herself.

Colin plated their food and took it out on the outside terrace, where they settled against the plush cushions of the outdoor furniture. He busied himself turning on the big outdoor flatscreen onto the show she’d had on the night before. She breathed deeply., taking in the unique crisp smell of the evening fall air and marveling at the sky, seeing the sun starting to set.

They dug into the food. Colin smiled at her when Olivia told him that she’d never had orzo before. She was so happy with the meal that she even snuck bites of his chicken off his plate. He let it go with a chuckle and told her he was happy she was eating well.

Then he realized how content he was to have someone steal food off his plate, not having considered it something that he'd missed prior to her presence.

Colin pulled her against him, careful not to jostle her shoulder too much. Though she was tense and shy watching the initial love-making scene with him, she’d got through it. She ignored him chuckle at every time she blushed and hid her face in his chest shyly. It’d been so long since she’d been able to sit through an adult show and it felt like learning a new social norm for her.

Olivia cheered when she discovered one of the main characters was a redhead. Stating to him excitedly that you didn’t see them depicted very often in the media. They finished the show right as six o'clock rolled around, and he let her know it was time to get ready for bed.

Olivia helped Colin clean up after dinner as much as he’d let her, before they went upstairs together to get ready for bed early ahead of her procedure.

She showered, and he tenderly rubbed the muscle ointment in again before placing her under the covers. He slapped a brief kiss on her plump mouth and said he was going to work in the bedroom lounge for an hour and ordered her to relax. He briefly disappeared to grab his work laptop from his study, quickly returning to the bedroom and settling into the wide leather seat facing the television.

Scrolling through her phone, Olivia glanced over to the other side of the room contemplatively.

Colin had his bare feet propped up on the coffee table listening to the news with his laptop screen working, swirling a glass of whiskey in his hand. He looked delectable in dark gray sweatpants and nothing else. Olivia briefly thought how comfortable the day had been, except for the event in the dressing room today. Remembering the hot sting of his hand on her bare flesh, she blushed, betraying complex feelings.

She sighed to herself, missing the exhausted feeling of working herself to the bone like she’d been for the last four years. She'd relished the feeling of letting go as Colin was spanking her as well as the pain it had provided and wrapped that feeling close to her.

Frowning, she realized that she felt slightly unsettled even now. Propped up against the huge comfortable pillows in bed, scrolling through her phone as if she had all the free time in the world.
