Page 63 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Hey lil' bit,” she said, bending down and smiling, rubbing her nose on the girl’s cheek before looking at Colin. She gave him a sheepish smile, looking at the counter and seeing another barely touched bowl of biscuits and gravy sitting there next to Allisons. But no Vanessa.

“Why aren’t you eating?” She enquired quietly, looking around for his food, pushing some hair behind her ear.

“I was waiting for you to wake up so we could eat together,” he said simply, silently flicking his eyes down her form and tilting his head. She blushed, feeling very laid bare and guilty. Finally, a familiar emotion next to all these decidedly unfamiliar emotions he evoked.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Olivia said, clearing her throat, and looked around, clearly uncomfortable.

He caught her attention once more and silently jerked his head in a come here motion. Her core heated in response. She glanced nervously at Allison, who was now playing on her tablet and scarfing down her food, unconcerned with them. She walked around the massive island and stood next to him, feeling small against his big build. He unfolded his arms and pulled her into him, leaning down to take her mouth slowly and thoroughly. His thick forearm tightened around her waist when she stiffened and attempted to pull away.

Colin leaned in more, deepening the kiss. Olivia moaned low into his mouth.

“Colin, this is not an appropriate kiss for the morning, or in front of Allison,” she mumbled against his lips when he wouldn’t let her up. He reluctantly pulled away, staring down at her with an eyebrow arched.

“Well, that’s something you’re going to have to come to terms with and quick now, isn’t it? And besides, she’s not watching,” he said, swooping down and giving her another kiss. “You smell gooood,” he drug the word out on a sexy growl. “Did you shower?”

“Yes,” she smiled against his mouth as he pulled her closer, careful to keep her right side tilted so he wouldn't bother her arm.

“Why didn’t you call for me? I would have helped you,” Colin whispered, pulling her bottom lip into his mouth and tugging with his teeth, not giving her a chance to respond.

She heard him groan as he reluctantly pulled back from her lips; hearing Vanessa come through the foyer.

“Ok, Colin I got the car situated, again you really didn’t have to. The engine was probably a simple fix,” Vanessa came through the foyer. Huffing and placing a brand-new set of keys in her purse before placing it on the table in haste to get back to her breakfast. She held her hand out to fist bump Colin while she took a big bite. Causing Olivia to raise her eyebrow, turning a questioning look to Colin.

“He got me a Range Rover. it’s white and freaking beautiful!” she mumbled around her food to Olivia, who had raised her eyebrows in surprise. At Vanessa’s new car and at the way she was shoveling the food down like she hadn’t eaten in forever.

“Vanessa, oh my God, why do you have to eat like that!” she’d admonished, frowning at her sister, before turning to frown at Colin. “You bought her a car?” she asked, pursing her plump lips together.

“Yes,” he smiled, looking incredibly pleased with himself at utilizing the contract so soon. “Johnathan will be here any minute with the paperwork for you to sign, Vanessa,” he turned to grab a bowl and began crumbling her biscuits in, adding a generous ladle of sausage gravy and eggs.

“Thank you,” Olivia gritted her teeth, clenching her left hand. “And how much time did this add to our agreement?” she whispered, furiously accepting the bowl but not being able to do much about the dilemma in front of her sister and niece. She became further irritated, her earlier good mood dissipated.

His jaw twitched as he bit back a smirk.

“For the car, only three months,” he said, starting to ladle up his own food.

Her jaw dropped. We’re up to almost three years now! Her eyes slid back to Vanessa, who was oblivious to her dilemma.

“Oh, your Porsche is so nice, Ollie! It’s so cute, have you seen it yet? Colin showed me pictures!” Vanessa exclaimed, licking the spoon before going back into her bowl. Allison was now watching her with interest, giggling at her mother.

Olivia turned narrowed eyes at him.

“Take a bite of food, Olivia, and calm down.” He chastised, his eyes flashing dangerously as he put a forkful of his own food to her lips.

Colin grinned as she bit the fork hard and jerked it out of his hand, pulling the fork out of her mouth and tossing it nonchalantly in the sink, then walking away from him.

She bristled as he chuckled at her back as she placed her food on the island, preferring to eat standing.


Colin was busy reaching into a drawer she was blocking for another fork when an almighty crash came from the foyer followed by a “MY MAN, WHERE ARE YOU? Oh, hey Beth, I didn’t see you there. How’s it going, pipsqueak?”

“JOHNATHAN, in the kitchen!” Colin hollered, placing a bite in his mouth and groaning contentedly.

All the girls' red heads swiveled like something out of a movie in alarm towards the foyer as a Johnathan's tall, broad form entered the kitchen. He was dressed in expensive black slacks, black Graysons, and a matte black shirt that probably cost as much as two months of Olivia’s rent.

Johnathan walked in with all his confident swagger, his deep tan middle eastern skin glowing against his dark goatee.

He smiled brightly when he saw Vanessa. It took Colin a second to realize that he’d briefly lost his easy gait, carefully covering it up with that devilish smile of his.
