Page 65 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Why do you think yall have fifty bottles of tignanello wine in the cellar? The prince’s wife first gifted it to Colin and now he’s hooked,” Johnathan stated easily.

Olivia whipped around and gaped at Colin. He just smiled at her, his eyes slightly crinkling and his facial expression making her go a little weak in the knees.

So much for trying to hide that, he mused.

“So, what are we doing today?” Vanessa enquired, turning to check on Allison, who took her tablet to the living room and plopped on the couch.

“Well, if Olivia feels up to it, I thought we’d spend the day looking for a new house for you. I found a bunch of open houses that I thought you might be interested in. Since we’re off today and together, if you’re ok with it.” He asked her, noting her eyebrow raise.

“Not….here…in this area, right?” Olivia said slowly, flickering a glance at Vanessa, who was turning to look at Colin slowly.

I wouldn’t do that to you baby. There’s no fucking way you can work the cost of a several million-dollar house off in this lifetime. Even if you worked twenty-four seven, Colin thought.

Colin hoped she didn’t think he was that crazy. Johnathan did and he didn’t care, but he cared a lot about how she viewed him as a person. Even if he was fucked up, he wanted her to not think he was completely crazy.

“I found reasonable houses that I would like to help gift a down payment for,” Colin said carefully, hoping to not overstep his mark so soon. Olivia narrowed her eyes with a vicious look.

No such luck.

“Can I speak to you?” Olivia hissed, snatching him up by his hand and pulling him towards the foyer. He quickly took control, pulling firmly on her hand, making her slow her gait. His grip tightened around her and he heard her sharp inhalation of breath at the action. He led her through the wide hall, bypassing the foyer and leading her to his office through a hidden door. Just the simple act of taking control of her in this way whet his appetite. The tension between them was thick enough to cut with a knife.

He pivoted on his heel to look at her haughty expression.

He could tell she would take a lot of humbling throughout their time together, and considering she'd just had surgery, he would be creative about it.

This morning, anyway.

“I want to stress that I technically don’t need your permission to do this, but would it make you feel better if I can make it a tax write off?” he asked firmly. Seeing the expression on her face, he walked to his desk and leaned against it.

Olivia observed him for a silent minute, he crossed his arms and legs, nestling himself against his desk, settling himself in to get what he wanted. He watched her snap.

“You JUST gave her two million dollars! Vanessa can buuyyyy a house!” she all but yelled at him, her face blazing. She placed a hand on top of her head and her green eyes widened, looking at him like he was crazy.

He raised an arrogant eyebrow at her.

“You and I both know that’s not enough money, not for her to live comfortably and take care of Allison without worrying about money over the years,” Colin volleyed back quickly, unrelentingly. “Come on, she wouldn’t even use it to get a car and when she pulled up yesterday, her engine was knocking. She drives Allison around in that thing, so she’s probably not going to prioritize the house. I don’t like their neighborhood AND they could have a place much closer to us, and closer to her doctors, in a better school district. Allison’s about to start kindergarten next year. Do you really want her in the school district your sister lives in?”

Colin shot all this to her quickly, not giving her a chance to think. Olivia tapped her toe.

“God damn you, Colin. How much time is this going to cost me?” She hissed, her eyes narrowing at him in irritation. “I don’t want her to feel like she owes you anything,” her eyebrows raised, and she stepped closer, bringing herself within reaching distance. Colin smiled wickedly, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

No but you will sweetheart. You’ll owe me everything by the time we’re done.

“Well, if you want to play it like that, we can negotiate,” Colin said, rubbing his hand on his jaw and regarding her with interest. “How much time do you think a six hundred-thousand-dollar house is worth?” he reached forward to grab her left arm and pulled her firmly to him. He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue licking into her mouth erotically.

His ears picked up on the excited hitch in her breathing.

Colin bent, picked her up with an arm under her hips to turn and put her on his desk. Hearing the couple things he had on there clattering to the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. He wanted to fuck her.

Taste her. Subdue her.

Ruin her so she wouldn’t be fit for anyone else except him.

Olivia lowered her eyes, watching him push his way between her legs. Colin drew a hand slowly up under her shirt to mold his hand to a breast. He made a pleased sound in his throat, feeling her nipple pressing hard into his palm. Fueled by lust, he slammed his mouth over hers roughly, groaning as he flexed his fingers around the round globe of her breast.

“You want extra time already, and you haven’t even tried the goods yet? That’s not a good business move. I hate to be the one to tell you that,” Olivia whispered between kisses, moaning as his fingers pulled and twisted her sensitive crest. Her hand settled against the back of his head and pressed him harder against her.

“Well, since you insist on schooling me, lay back. I’ll sample the goods while you think, and they have time to get to know each other,” he grinned as she gasped in shock.
