Page 69 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia sighed happily as her and Colin pulled back up to the house as the sun was going down, pulling into the garage and coming through the kitchen. They’d looked at five houses extensively before Vanessa picked a beautiful one about eighteen minutes away. She tearfully hugged all of them, almost breaking down so hard she couldn’t sign the papers. Her and Allison went home that night, leaving them to themselves.

“Something smells gooood!” she sang appreciatively as they rounded the island. She peeked into the warming drawer.

“Oh my gosh Colin what is this?” she said, as he pulled it out and placed it on the stove.

“Mary’s famous paella,” Colin said, shooting her a thrilled glance. “She doesn’t make it often but when she does, she puts her foot in it,” he leaned down and placed a firm kiss on her lips. “Hey, do you mind if we take this to the patio and watch a movie on the flatscreen? Or is it too cold for you? I can turn on the outdoor heater and grab us a blanket,” he mused, his eyes flickering to her hard nipples poking through her shirt.

She blushed instantly, noticing him ogling her without a care in the world. He turned suddenly to open a cabinet and pull out a glass pyrex dish.

She watched as he put a couple large scoops of paella in the dish before snapping the lid on. Colin turned to open a drawer and grab a sticky note and a black sharpie before writing ‘Beth’ on it.

Remaining quiet she continued to watch as he placed it on the top of the dish and put it in the refrigerator.

That’s so freaking thoughtful, Olivia mused, hiding a small smile.

“Well, that depends. Will you please pick the movie, and can we eat it straight out of the pot?” she teased back, grabbing two big spoons and raising her eyebrows inquisitively. He looked at her and flashed a big smile, his brown eyes crinkling slightly around the edges.

“As long as you don’t eat like Vanessa! My God that woman, how does she do it?” Colin teased, leading the way. He’d grabbed the pot and jerked his head at her to follow him. He started the gas fireplace outside before turning on the tv and picking a movie. She’d been too busy blowing on a spoonful of rice to see the title and looked up as the haunting music started.

“What’s this?” Olivia asked, still feeling a little shy from him putting his mouth on her earlier and had a hard time meeting his stare now that they were alone.

The stuff he said, Olivia thought, her heart beating faster at remembering his words while he was making her cum over and over.

The man was a true born manipulator and smooth talker. Olivia supposed she should know all about that. The problem was, she couldn’t manipulate him like she could with her clients. He never gave her an opportunity to vie for control. In a way, it was freeing, to not have to play those games.

But his forward style of approaching things was rewiring her brain chemistry, changing the way she looked at things. She’d considered what she did for work as a sickness, but Colin was showing her there was more than one way to skin a cat. She didn’t feel gross, like she did when she had been beating her clients.

She still felt dirty, but a good kind of dirty. She pleased him, wanted to please him. Had this weird need to please him. She pursed her lips, uncomfortable with feeling as if she’d want to cater to another person, specifically a man.

Olivia shivered.

Oh my God this is bad bad, she thought. She moaned in her head, closing her eyes briefly.

Resigning herself to focus on the movie, she opened them and saw a shadow in the window above the kitchen sink. The top of Beth’s head appeared before Olivia saw her turn towards the refrigerator and grab out the paella before disappearing from her view. Olivia’s eyes slid to Colin, who was making his way to her where she sat on the plush patio furniture.

“Braveheart,” Colin answered. “You’ve never seen it? It’s a classic!” he sat next to her and tucked into the food himself, hearing their utensils scrape the stainless-steel pot. When the gift of a thistle scene came on, and the little girl gave William a flower, she’d surprised him by wiping a tear away.

“I’m sorry, the soundtrack is so beautiful,” Olivia whispered tearfully. He leaned forward and brushed his thumb over her cheek and hummed deep in his throat.

“You can cry, Olivia. It’s a touching movie,” Colin said, leaning back and putting a bite of rice into his mouth. He frowned, as he suddenly found himself wishing it was Olivia’s taste on his tongue instead of the paella. He didn’t get enough this morning.

Colin's eyes narrowed as they slid to the pot on the table between them, before sliding to the side of Olivia’s face.

She was picking a mussel out of its shell with her fork. He wanted to watch her wrap her lips around the shell and suck it clean then he wanted to take the shell from her and scoop it up her center while he sucked it clean next. His heart banged in his chest as he watched her.

That’s never happened before, he thought with interest. Paella was his favorite meal. He always told Johnathan it was better than sex and he meant that. He chewed the inside of his cheek, pushing the thought away, he grabbed his phone.

Johnathan. I’m in so much fucking trouble. I’ve only known this woman for like a month. She’s making me lose my fucking mind.-C. Kent

Shiiiiiiiiittt. You’ve been half crazy for a while. Let her finish you off. If she’s anything like her sister, I feel sorry for you. Her sister’s been on my brain since I met her this MORNING! I haven’t felt this way since Ezra, and you know it took me a while to feel that with her. What the fuck dude, do red heads have some sort of voodoo magic? -J Dawg

The three dots came back up, indicating that he was typing still. Colin waited.

Do you mind if I ask Vanessa on a date? -J Dawg

Colin frowned, raising his eyebrow. He looked at Olivia, wondering what she would think. He moaned to himself as she began sucking the shell of the mussel clean. His dick became uncomfortably hard.

Why would I care about that? -C Kent
