Page 78 of The Pain We Nurture

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Olivia laughed. “Vanessa, we haven’t had sex yet,” she giggled, bumping her shoulder with her left.

Vanessa turned a disbelieving face to her. “Now I know you’re freaking bullshitting me, sis. I could sort of believe it before, but now? Come on, you’ve been here how long, and then the text I got from Johnathan at the office last week?”

Olivia giggled again, opening the door. “Nope,” I guess I just got the gift of driving men crazy,” she laughed again, walking straight into Colin and Johnathan, who were waiting for them.

“You got that fucking right,” Colin growled, stalking forward, bending down and picking her up. She wrapped her legs around him.

“You ready to go, baby? We got some terrible singing to do,” he teased as he gave her a soft kiss.

Johnathan took Vanessa's hand and pulled her out the front door.

“Hey!" she yelped, “My purse!”

“The babysitter’s got my number. Stop worrying and let’s have some fun. Trust me?” Johnathan said, looking down into Vanessa’s face as they descended the steps.

Olivia saw Johnathan look at Vanessa tenderly and Olivia’s eyes widened at the look on her sister’s face. Her lips pursed.

No crying tonight, bitch, Olivia thought, turning back to look at Colin, who was still holding her cradled in his arms. They climbed into Johnathan’s car and sped off into the sunset.


“OKAY, this is what we’re going to do!” They all leaned in intently to hear Vanessa, who was trying to yell over the noise of the bar. “We’re going to each pick three songs. And make them good, dammit,” Vanessa slammed a shot, waving a hand against her flushed face. Johnathan took the opportunity to run a hand down Vanessa’s hair. She smiled.

Olivia looked at Colin. “I don’t sing, I dance. Vanessa’s the singer. Like she can blow. Seriously. I sound like a strangled cat,” she explained, slightly embarrassed as her cheeks flushed. She finished her half a shot, grimacing and sticking her tongue out before sucking on a lemon.

“Shit, that’s strong!” Olivia gasped, scrunching her nose as Colin leaned back and sipped his whiskey. He’d put on a blue shirt that matched her aquamarine necklace. He looked tasty.

“Vanessa, you want to make our third song a duet,” Colin tossed across the table at her.

Vanessa looked at him in surprise.

“You can sing?” she asked, a look of disbelief on her face. “No offense, but I don’t want to taint one of my turns if you aren’t good,” she laughed at him. Her gray eyes sparkling.

Olivia glanced at him. The man’s just full of surprises huh?

“I guess I’m ok. I need to hear your first song, though, before I decide if you can share a microphone with me,” he threw back, sipping his whiskey again. His own eyes shining with happiness.

They stared each other down.

“What’s the song?” Vanessa asked as she accepted another drink from the waitress.

He wrote it down on a napkin and passed it to her. Watching as her eyes widened before she broke out in a smile. “Yeah…. I can do this one. But it needs to be the second song for us. I have something different in mind for my third song,” she said quietly, folding the napkin and sticking it into her bra. They all raised an eyebrow. Johnathan chuckled before taking another sip of his drink.

“So,” Colin said, “What songs are we doing?”

They wrote all their songs on the cards given to them and took it to the DJ with a hefty tip.

They cheered hard when a woman got up and absolutely slayed a cover of Evanescence’s Bring Me To Life.

Olivia whistled, jumping up and down, clapping. It was Johnathan’s turn next and he sang “Leaving On a Jet Plane” by John Denver. His voice was not professional in the least, but a few women were looking at him enviously.

Olivia was next, and she sang Yellow Kina Grannis’ cover. She was nervous and avoided looking at anyone when she was singing. Her bravery touched him.

Colin was proud. Her voice was sweet, innocent, stroking over him like a balm. Then it was Vanessa’s turn.

She took the microphone and his jaw dropped as she belted out a rendition of Carrie Underwood’s Before He Cheats, that had him standing up and whistling along with everyone else in the building. Even the servers stopped serving and were staring.

He gaped at Olivia, who was staring at the stage with a proud, albeit watery, expression on her face. He leaned over to whisper in her ear.
