Page 79 of The Pain We Nurture

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“You never said your sister could sing like that,” Colin accused her, taking her hand as Vanessa exited the stage. He gave her a squeeze before he went up to the stage and grabbed the microphone, adjusting the stand and signaling the DJ. The lights went down in the building, surprising everyone before a spot-light shined on him.

Olivia gasped as he began to sing “Gorilla” by Bruno Mars. Her face heated as he watched him basically fuck the damn microphone, his eyes on hers as he took complete control of the stage, his voice coming out growly, strong. She shrugged her shoulders as she felt her nipples hardening, the song and his singing turning her on.

Oh yeah…this man can fuck me any day of the week. This is so hot, Olivia thought, squirming uncomfortably in her seat.

Vanessa’s jaw was on the floor as she turned her head to look at her, giving her a ‘What the hell?’ look. She shook her head as Colin exited the stage, only to be met by four women who had come up to him, fawning over him.

Uh-uh. No.

Olivia’s face settled into a scowl as she got up and stomped over to where he was, taking his hand and jerking him hard behind her. He gave her a chuckle as he walked behind her, not caring how pissed she was.

She practically threw him in his seat, though he went willingly. Snatching up his whiskey and downing it before he picked up his fresh glass. He gave her a fiery look, making her stomach do somersaults.

“That song was for you, miss,” he teased, giving Johnathan a high five.

“You can sing like THAT?” Vanessa half screeched at him from across the table. Slamming another shot and sucking a lemon. Johnathan leaned over and placed his lips against Vanessa’s suddenly, surprising them all.

Vanessa’s brows scrunched together as he pulled away. She blushed furiously.

“John,” she said, looking away shyly. It was so unlike her.

Olivia grinned. Scooting out of the booth as it was soon her turn. She horribly belted out Harleys in Hawaii by Katy Perry, picking it because it was the song that Colin played at the diner when they first met. She made up for her amateur singing by moving her body in a seductive rhythm to the song, causing more men than he was comfortable with yelling and cheering for her.

Colin scowled, not happy with that. He finished his whiskey, slightly slamming the glass on the table. He held up his hand for the server to bring him another one, along with a pitcher of water for the table.

“I think we might need to be done drinking after this round till we get back to my place,” he said to Johnathan as Vanessa stood up in the booth.

Her hands were in the air as she cheered Olivia on, who was gyrating into the microphone stand too sexually for his tastes.

Over it, Colin got up, walking to the stage to reach forward to snatch her off. He snagged her calf, pulling her off the front stage, uncaring of what the employees thought. The bar booed as the music came to a stop and announced Johnathan’s song. He got up and rocked to Blow by Ed Sheeran, making up for Olivia’s dancing fiasco. The bar cheered.

Then it was Colin’s turn.

His pick was Work Song by Hozier. Which was a touching cover and several people in the audience came to the stage and began clapping along to the song. Olivia stayed in the booth with Johnathan and Vanessa. Her eyes were wide as she listened to him sing the lyrics as he faced her from the stage. Her heart beat painfully as his eyes trained on her. Only leaving hers to close briefly, as he sang passionately into the microphone.

She sat there blinking back tears as Johnathan reached over to take her hand. The look he gave her made them spill out, and she wiped them away quickly, shooting him an embarrassed glance. Johnathan leaned forward as Colin continued to sing into the microphone. There were several phones out, recording him on social media.

“Do not ever be embarrassed for your emotion, Ollie,” Johnathan said quietly, chucking her slightly under the chin.

The big man’s use of her nickname made her give him a watery smile, and she nodded her understanding. As she took his hand and gave him a slight squeeze as Colin finished his song. The karaoke bar erupted as the DJ's voice came loud over the speaker. He struggled to regain control over the bar as people began cheering so hard it sounded like the rafters were going to fall down on them. Olivia placed a hand on her throat as her chest swelled with pride.

This man’s mine, she thought, her eyebrows raised, startled by the thought.

She noticed Vanessa had slinked away to join Colin on the stage. It was time for their duet. The bar finally hushed, realizing the two best singers of the night were pairing up for a song together. Everyone’s phone was out and even the kitchen cook was leaning on the wall by the kitchen door with his phone out. Senorita by Camilla Cabello began playing over the speakers.

Johnathan and Olivia looked at each other smiling with excitement and sprang into action.

“Let’s dance,” Olivia said, grabbing Johnathan’s hand and yanking him up laughing.

“They sound amazing!” Johnathan yelled over the noise of the bar. Since their significant others were tearing it up on the stage, they proceeded to tear it up on the dance floor. More couples came up and began dancing as well, the whole building just comfortable with the chaos that was erupting.

“I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun!” she yelled as Johnathan dipped her backwards, making her hair swing wildly. She giggled as he righted her, and then they performed a complicated spin that startled her.

“Johnathan! You never ever said you could dance!” she gasped, rather accusatory.

“It never came up!” he laughed back at her. And he really could dance. The man had rhythm. She swayed in his arms as they looked up at Colin and Vanessa.

“Olivia, I really like her,” Johnathan said quietly as they spun on the dance floor. He turned his dark eyes back to her, and she smiled in return.
