Page 96 of The Pain We Nurture

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She walked back into the bathroom and applied a very gentle nude pink gloss to her kiss swollen plump lips.

Grabbing her hot coffee, she took it downstairs along with a pair of stylish flats with red bottoms. She padded into the lounge, where Colin was leaning against the arm of the couch and flicking through the channels on the television. Hearing her approach, he spoke over his shoulder, not looking at her.

“There are cream cheese bagels with smoked salmon in the kitchen,” he said, finding the news channel he wanted and concentrating for a second.

Bypassing the kitchen, Olivia ventured onto the terrace and leaned against the iron railing, noticing that at some point a cover had been placed over the pool. She gazed over his yard again, observing the deep mow tracks in the lush grass, letting herself momentarily admire the beautiful landscape that was perfectly maintained.

The colder weather was slowly turning the once white strawberry hydrangeas a deep pink, giving the landscaping a beautiful depth of color against the white house.

Smiling, she pulled her phone out to text her sister, confirming their plans for Sunday. A pang of longing shot through her; she missed Allison so much.

Though they lived closer, she hadn’t been able to do their usual pick up and go to daycare routine. Vanessa had found a better paying job closer to their new home. And under the pressure of Colin, had found a local mother’s group who had children who were also dealing with kid medical issues, and had started to integrate play dates into Allison’s routine.

Though she was so happy for them both, she missed their routine.

Pulling up her photo app, she picked a video of Allison playing, mesmerized by her beautiful hair. She restarted the video, watching it a couple times before she realized Colin had come up behind her silently and had seen her. He placed a hand around her waist comfortingly, his fingers grasping slightly at her ribs, rubbing firmly as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

“You miss her,” Colin said quietly, not wanting to break her peaceful moment. It was an acknowledgment, not a question.

Olivia swallowed past the lump in her throat and turned to him with a small smile, mentally tamping down the melancholy feeling she felt when she thought about her niece.

“Where are we going?” she said brightly, with a feigned excitement. Determined to give the man his money’s worth.

If she was going to sacrifice time with Allison, changing all of their lifestyles, and Colin was going to insist on this agreement and the investment he put into her, then she was damn sure going to make sure it was worth it to the best of her ability. He wouldn’t want her puttering around his house miserably for the next four years.

Colin regarded her quietly. “I thought we’d go to the cathedral you were trying to see yesterday,” he answered her, a slight apology in his eyes at how viciously he knew he’d taken her the night before. His anger and terror had mixed into such a breathtaking inferno that he couldn’t help sucking her into the fires with him. “I wanted to stop at a store and get you a professional camera. It’d be much better than your phone.”

She went to open her mouth, but he just hushed her with a look.

“I won’t put any extra time on. Think about it as an investment into your future business, if that would make you feel better,” he said, conceding slightly. Olivia’s mouth twitched adoringly.

“Okay,” Olivia giggled, her earlier sadness easing as she bumped his shoulder lightly with hers as she walked back into the house. She let out a yelp as he smacked her ass hard with growl, making her break out into genuine peals of laughter.


Colin let her take her Porsche this time, wanting to see how her arm fared while she drove. The look she had on her face as she slid behind the wheel for the first time seared into his brain, and he groaned quietly to himself when he became rock hard, watching her stroke the wheel with both hands. Her slender fingers softly caressed the supple leather.

He really regretted not waking her up earlier.

“Wow,” she said almost to herself, a goofy smile plastered on her face as she glanced over at him, breathless with excitement.

Colin showed her how to open the garage doors and only had to reprimand her one time for hitting the gas too hard and almost backing into one of his expensive bikes. His favorite one.

Fucking fuck. Not my shit! he yelled in his head, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

Colin took a deep steadying breath.

With his heart thudding anxiously in his chest, he instructed her to continue. Almost thankful for the distraction as it killed his erection, but only temporarily. It came back when she was crawling and laying all over the cathedral trying to get pictures of every inch of the damn place.

Colin found she was quite chaotic and beautiful in her element and he took great enjoyment observing her as she worked.

He took her for a nice lunch afterwards at a Spanish restaurant. They ate their food and shared a quiet laugh at a boisterous family of tourists that came in, dressed inappropriately for the climate. They both watched in amusement as the tourists fought over the breadsticks and members of the family teased two teenagers at another table who couldn’t keep their lips away from each other.

But he couldn’t keep his eyes off her for longer than a minute at a time. Colin thought she was that fascinating.

Olivia caught Colin watching her, and he gave her a wink as he sipped from his glass of wine. She looked down blushing, before quickly snatching the bill that the server placed down. Sticking her tongue out at Colin, she hurriedly placed her debit card in the sleeve and gave it back to the server.

“Gotta be a little faster than that, sir,” she whispered with glee, blowing him a kiss and giving him a little wink of her own before finishing off her own wine.
