Page 100 of The Pain We Allow

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Olivia took a few more steps toward Carmichael and narrowed her eyes even more. The headlights from the cars illuminated over all of them brightly and her hair flickered around her face in the wind.

Colin felt his chest tighten and moved to go to her. He audibly growled as Jonathan reached a hand out and stilled him with a vicious look. The other henchman momentarily trained his rifle onto Colin’s chest and a muscle ticked in his jaw as his muscles locked up, fighting every instinct, wanting to go to Olivia, who was speaking.

“Let my baby go, Carmichael,” she hissed. The air was thick with tension as her entire demeanor changed in front of everyone. Her features became sharp and tight as she regarded the stoic, regally held man in front of her. Her green eyes looked vicious and confident. No sign of the submissive inside of her was presently visible to other people.

Carmichael’s eyes flashed at her as he tightened his hand on Allison’s hair. The henchman’s gun stayed trained on Allison, unwavering.

“Allison, close your ears now baby. Don’t take your fingers out for anything, love,” she crooned softly. She waited until the little girl put shaky hands up to her ears and plugged her ears hard.

Colin chanced a quick look at the four henchmen that were bracketing him, Jonathan, and Vanessa. Two on the left of Colin and Jonathan, and two on the right, near Vanessa. Vanessa clung to Jonathan’s arm hard, barely holding back whimpers. Her eyes kept flitting from Olivia to Allison. That red dot from the fifth henchman stayed trained steady on Allison’s forehead now.

There was complete silence as everyone held their breath in anticipation. The car headlights glowed brightly, highlighting the gnats in the woodsy humid air which buzzed within the lights that were also illuminating Olivia, Allison, and Carmicheal.

Carmichael took a tiny step backwards, his grip on Allison’s hair yanking her with him.

“Carmichael,” she said sharply, the man narrowing his eyes on her. “I hope you realize, if you hurt her, no one is making it out of here alive. I will kill you first. This entire operation is going to end in a blood bath. So I want you to think very, very hard about what your next moves will be. And what you truly want.”

Carmichael curled his lip as she stepped further towards him. Colin’s chest tightened; his blood boiled.

“You don’t get to make demands! This goes how I want it,” Carmichael spit out and Allison cried as he gripped her hair tighter. The little girl had snot running down her nose and was visibly shivering. Little whimpers escaped her lips as she stared at Olivia in fear.

Olivia narrowed her eyes before flicking them to Carmichael once more. Her nostrils flared as her lip curled.

“You should have thought about who gets to make commands when you kidnapped my daughter then. Shouldn’t you have, Carmichael?” Olivia said, her voice sickly sweet.

Carmichael’s eyes widened before narrowing, his face flushed red as his eyes glanced from Olivia to Vanessa and then back again. “Your daughter? I thought this was your niece?” the man said, disbelief in his eyes. His gaze flitted now from the little girl to Vanessa.

“Then that’s what your dumbass gets for thinking. Do you know what happens when you fuck with a mother's child? Do you want to find out, Carmichael? I’m horribly offended right now, and I mean I am greatly displeased. The only reason why I know you is because of her. I had to enter Esmeralda’s ring to take care of her. You’ve majorly fucked up,” she whispered, taking a step forward. Her head cocked as she spoke, and Colin noticed she sounded completely different.

“Wel-Well. I didn’t know. I’m sorry Kat,” Carmichael said. His face was red in the light, sweat dotted his forehead.

“Olivia,” Colin growled at her, his whole body tensing as he took a step towards her. She put her hand out to still him. He gritted his teeth hard as the henchman shoved the gun into his chest.

“Watch yourself, before you get a bullet in your chest,” the henchman said threateningly.

Colin took a deep breath and willed himself to calm down. He turned his head back to Olivia as she continued to speak, addressing Carmicheal.

“I will go with you willingly, but only if you will let them all go, unharmed, and alive. Including Colin,” she said softly, her voice turned deadly. She sounded different, confident, in charge.

Carmichael’s eyebrow raised. “And what are you going to give me in exchange?” he said haughtily, stepping back minutely with Allison, his grip on her hair unrelenting. That red dot stayed steady on Allison's forehead.

Colin’s own forehead broke out in a sweat and his hands clenched.

“Oh no, Carmichael. If I go with you, it’s going to be all about what you give me, isn’t it?” Olivia said, her voice sweet as a siren as she steadily walked another step towards Carmichael and Allison, and a step further from Colin.

Colin’s lungs burned as Carmichael nodded.

“Yes Kat,” he said, his voice changing, becoming deeper, sexual.

Colin snarled.

“Good boy,” she crooned at Carmichael, running her hand sensually down her hair and her chest. She took another cautious step forward, her steps light and easy. Her hand paused at her belly. “Matter of fact, I think you can give me something now,” she purred. Looking through her lashes at the older man.

“Tell me,” he said, stepping forward towards her with Allison. Eager.

“I’m going to come with you, and you’re going to make sure my baby gets out of here before we leave. And if you let everyone go, I’ll do that thing you like, that you always begged me for. Ohhhh, how I miss you begging,” she trailed off with a sensual whisper.

“The thi-thing I-I-I-wanted?” Carmichael stuttered, his hands loosening on Allison's hair.
